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Here’s How You Can Cut Spending In Your Retirement

Being worried about your finances when you are working is scary enough but to be worried about money after you retire well that can be petrifying. Today’s article will discuss nine ways to help you cut spending in your retirement. Here’s one of them, “pay with cash. People who put their plastic away and choose to pay with cash typically… 

Where Should You Retire Using Your Social Security

Have you given any thought to where you’d like to retire? Somewhere with a beach? Or maybe where golf weather occurs daily all year long? Today’s article discusses the best cities to live in for retirees that wish to retire on social security. Here’s how they found the best, “U.S. News analyzed Census Bureau and Bureau of Labor Statistics data… 

What To Look For In Stocks Moving Forward

Today’s article discusses the stock market and what you should be on the look out for. “But it’s possible that the earnings love story could hit a rough patch. The estimated earnings growth rate for the third quarter is 4.6%, according to FactSet. That’s good, not great, especially when considering that as of the beginning of the third quarter, FactSet… 

Are Women Better At Retirement Planning Than Men?

Today’s article discusses whether genders play a role in retirement planning. Here’s a quote from the article, “women earning $75,000 a year or more contribute roughly a full percentage point more of salary than their men with the same earnings. Over the course of one’s career and retirement, a one percentage point edge can mean an appreciably larger nest egg… 

These Stocks Have Got Some Drive, Check ‘Em Out!

Today’s article features three stocks that the author thinks you should check out. Here’s what he had to say about stocks, “the reality is that many momentum stocks that are sky high now could push even higher in 2015 and beyond. It’s important for investors to be discerning in their research and refrain from chasing fads, but there are indeed… 

Tips For A Retiring Single

Some times we post articles about planning your retirement with your loved one but what if you are a retiring single? Think you need to plan different, absolutely! Today’s article features tips on retirement-planning for singles. Here’s one, “…singles often miss out on tax breaks (filing jointly, for instance) that are available to married peers. As they look ahead, advisers… 

You May Want To Keep An Eye On Your Mutual Fund Rates

Today’s article discusses mutual funds, the best, the worst and what you should definitely avoid for the upcoming months. Here’s what they had to say, “Short-term interest rates are controlled by the Federal Reserve, and there’s little chance the Fed will bump rates higher in October. Most economists don’t think the economy will be growing fast enough for the Fed… 

Retirement Worries Shouldn’t Worry You Too Much

Today’s article discusses retirement in an interesting way. The author of today’s article believes if you have retirement worries and/or concerns, you should know that it is a privilege. Here’s what they had to say, “One which suggests that every single fear and stress associated with retirement is a privilege. The cost to be in an exclusive club… something you… 

A Retirement Q&A

Today’s article features a Q&A with chairwoman and chief executive officer of Hefren-Tillotson, Inc, Kim Fleming. “Fleming, 55, of Mars is chairwoman and chief executive officer of Hefren-Tillotson, Inc., which has six offices and 200 employees. The firm offers financial planning and investment advisory services for individuals, foundations, trusts and qualified retirement plans. But discussions with clients go can go…