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Where Are You In The “Getting Rich Quadrant”?

What are your chances of getting rich? That depends to a large extent on where you fall in what the author of today’s article calls the “Getting Rich Quadrant”, which considers the combination of one’s income (high or low) and cost of living (high or low) – and depending on your particular combination, you could be well on your way… 

Why These Funds Could Be The “New Retirement Income”

“With powerful demographic forces keeping interest rates lower for longer, investors (and financial advisors!) need to adjust their thinking for the future,” declares the author of today’s article, who cites a report from Morgan Stanley warning that, over the next 10 years, returns from a traditional 60/40 portfolio will be close to a century low. So what can investors do… 

Meet The New ‘Bonds’ For Retirement

With longer life expectancies and lower interest rates, among other factors, the traditional 60/40 portfolio “just won’t be able to cut it anymore”, according to some financial experts. Instead, greater allocations to equities will be needed – and dividend stocks will become the new bonds for retirement. One place investors can look for higher yields for their retirement portfolios? Business… 

If All That Matters Is Your Dividends, Consider These 7 Quality, High-Yield Stocks

“The only thing that matters to me in the short-term is my dividends,” declares the author of today’s article when it comes to his retirement portfolio. As a result, he only checks the value of his retirement portfolio once a year. Between those yearly reviews, he notes, “I’m collecting an exponentially growing stream of safe dividends that put me closer… 

Don’t Learn These Money Lessons Too Late

Despite having spent decades studying money and finances, the author of today’s article reveals that “it took [him] a decade or more to learn many of life’s most important money lessons and, indeed, some key insights have only come to [him] in recent years.” Among those lessons are “the key to a big portfolio” and what should be – and… 

I Own These Three Stocks, Do You?

Have you seen this market over the last few years? It’s been moving higher and higher and higher. The famous saying goes something like “The stock market always climbs a wall of worry”. Sounds about right. With the record breaking economic run we’re on, the naysayers are calling for a correction, or recession. They’re rooting for the market to fall.… 

Retiring On The S&P 500 Alone

Can you retire on the S&P 500 alone? This is the question that the author of today’s article examines, stating the following: “For investors just starting out and dollar-cost-averaging into their ROTH IRAs or 401ks, an S&P 500 Index Fund can be a good foundational holding. But what about as you age and prepare to retire? Can a well-diversified large… 

Opting In To (Or Not Opting Out Of) Higher Retirement Wealth

Can something as simple as how a question is asked have a dramatic impact on an individual’s retirement wealth? A just-published study finds that, indeed, it can! In fact, the authors of the study found that “How a deceptively simple question gets asked can lead to an improvement in retirement wealth of up to 50%”. What is this “deceptively simple… 

Contenders For This Week’s Retirement Portfolio Purchases

Each week, the author of today’s article invests $500 of savings into two or three dividend-paying companies for his retirement portfolio. For a detailed examination of the companies under consideration for this week’s retirement portfolio purchases – and the screening process the author employs to make his weekly stock selections – CLICK HERE.