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The “Big Picture” Financial Realities That Retirees Must Face

While there seems to be a constant stream of news and market developments (and presidential tweets) that those nearing retirement need to keep up with today, the author of today’s article asserts that “to be successful in retirement today requires a much more holistic view of what you are facing and what the investment realities are” – and he proceeds… 

Are You Eligible For This “Eliminated” Social Security Strategy?

This Social Security claiming strategy was eliminated by Congress as part of a 2015 law, but a few million Americans are still eligible to use it thanks to a grandfather clause – and those individuals (married couples and some divorced people of a particular age group) may well want to consider taking advantage of this strategy while they still have… 

Rethinking Tax-Efficient Investing – And Some Strategies To Consider

“For the investor, taxes represent a real threat to wealth and a cost that must absolutely be controlled,” asserts the author of today’s article, who points out that a critical assumption underlying most tax minimization efforts – that most people will be in a lower tax bracket during retirement – may be a false assumption given today’s historically low income… 

The Best Places To Retire Abroad, With A Focus On Health Care

If you’re looking to retire abroad, you likely want some place with a suitable climate and a low cost of living – including low health care costs. But another important consideration is health care efficiency. As such, in seeking to identify the best places for Americans to retire abroad, the author of today’s article factored in how contender countries rank… 

“Recessions Are Bad, But This Is Worse”: What Could Really Wreck Boomers’ Retirements?

Three things happened around the time that the last two bear markets began: the 2-to-10-year part of the yield curve inverted briefly, the Federal Reserve cut interest rates for the first time in years, and the S&P 500 peaked in value, before plummeting from that peak. Sound familiar? However, while recession worries are mounting, the author of today’s article argues… 

Phased Retirement: Making The Right Decisions At The Right Time

A financially secure retirement requires making a number of critical decisions – and if you want to ensure that you make the right decisions at the right time, the author of today’s article advises that you think of retirement as consisting of four phases, with Phase No.1 beginning at age 55. From opening a Roth IRA to buying long-term care… 

Some Good News – And Some Bad News – If Your Retirement Portfolio Takes A Big Hit

Today’s article contains some good news and some bad news for retirees whose portfolios suffer substantial losses (such as the 17% loss incurred by one of the model portfolios from a top-performing newsletter over the first six months of this year). The good news? Even the worst performers are likely to eventually recover their losses. The bad news, however, has… 

3 Dividend Payers To Consider For Your Retirement Portfolio

Among the three stocks highlighted in today’s article as being strong candidates for a spot in your retirement portfolio is a stock that seems to possess everything a retiree could possibly want in a stock: a generous dividend, stability, a discounted share price and a respectable rate of earnings growth. For the stock in question – and the two other… 

Rethinking Retirement Rebalancing (And Some Modified Rebalancing Strategies)

Portfolio rebalancing is something that retirees should do on a regular basis in order to boost returns…right? Not necessarily, it turns out – despite this being common practice and conventional wisdom. The author of today’s article highlights a new, exhaustive study on rebalancing which “found that rebalancing improves performance only if the markets behaving in certain specific ways.” For more… 

Snuffing Out FIRE Myths

The FIRE (Financial Independence/Retire Early) movement ignites feelings of skepticism in many. And “skepticism” might be putting it mildly. As the author of today’s article observes, “it seems that some just can’t help hating on FIRE. They claim few can save the amounts of money needed to retire on time, let alone early. They complain about the return assumptions used…