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Your Prized Pension May Have A Problem

While traditional pension plans are largely becoming a thing of retirement past, 25% of pre-retirees are still fortunate enough to participate in one – but the author of today’s article warns those individuals not to get too comfortable with their apparent advantage when it comes to funding their golden years, cautioning that “there’s a good chance your pension plan is… 

This Dividend Aristocrat Pairing Strategy Can Boost Your Income Stream

With their (at least) 25 consecutive years of dividend hikes and steady-eddy nature, Dividend Aristocrats are appealing investments for retirees or any other income-focused investor. For those looking for an even greater income stream, the author of today’s article suggests an additional investment which – combined with a Dividend Aristocrat portfolio – “could be a profitable combination for income seekers.”… 

Affluent Influence: Retirement Planning Lessons From The Wealthy

There’s no question that the wealthy have a major advantage when it comes to retirement – but that doesn’t mean that the less affluent can’t learn a thing or two (or three) from the rich about how to achieve a financially secure – and overall fulfilling – retirement. Today’s article looks at some retirement planning lessons that can be gleaned… 

Fake News (Retirement Edition)

You need $1 million to retire. Make that $2 million. Social Security will not be solvent much longer. Your expenses will go down in retirement. These are some of the prevalent retirement rumors the author of today’s article highlights that can have a detrimental effect on the retirement planning of those who subscribe to them. To read more – including… 

Doing This One Simple Thing Can Help Improve Your Retirement Preparedness And Confidence – But Less Than A Quarter Of Americans Have Done It

If there was one simple thing that you could do that could help you be better prepared financially for – and boost your confidence in your ability to maintain your desired lifestyle in – retirement, would you do it? Well, as today’s article highlights, there is such a thing – yet less than a quarter of Americans have done it.… 

QLACs: One Option For Funding A Long, Long Retirement

Qualified longevity annuity contracts (QLACs) are still a relatively new option on the retirement planning scene, but they may be an option worth considering when it comes to hedging against longevity risk, with the author of today’s article advising one to “think of [QLACs] as insurance against running out of money if you live to be very, very old, and… 

This “In The Shadows” Fund Can Help Retirees Avoid Running Out Of Money

Approximately 10,000 baby boomers are retiring every day – and many may find that saving for retirement was actually the easy part, while the real challenge will be making sure that their nest eggs last as long as they do. Today’s article highlights one financial tool that may be of assistance to retirees who want to avoid running out of… 

Income, Growth & Diversification: 3 ETFs To Consider For Retirement

Steady income, conservative growth and diversification are the key offerings of the three exchange-traded funds for retirement highlighted in today’s article. The first ETF is a defensive dividend play, the second offers the prospect of conservative growth through broad exposure to the tech and telecom industries, and the third – a real-estate investment trust ETF – offers diversification thanks to… 

How Real Estate, Latin America – And Beer! – Can Pay Dividends For Your Retirement

How can real estate, Latin America and beer help fund your retirement? Through dividends! Today’s article highlights three dividend-paying stocks – a real-estate investment trust that has increased its dividend for more than 27 consecutive years, a beer maker that analysts expect will continue to grow earnings by at least 15% annually for the next five years, and a Latin…