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The Winning Combination For An “Income-Rich” Retirement – And 7 Stocks That Seem To Have It

“If you want to have an income-rich retirement, you’ve got to have a diversified basket of dividend stocks that will deliver both capital appreciation and income growth,” states the author of today’s article – and this assertion is backed up by a study that looked at the returns of S&P 500 stocks over a 33-year period. The author proceeds to… 

How To Avoid A “Back-Of-The-Envelope” Retirement Disaster

“When it comes to important life transitions like retirement, perspective, judgment and objectivity are vital to prevent mistakes that can lead to disaster,” asserts the author of today’s article. The problem? Too many people forego the aforementioned in favor of overly simplistic (and overly optimistic) “back-of-the-envelope” planning. What are some critical steps many people fail to take – and important… 

Sobering Stats For Baby Boomers Regarding Retirement

The statistics outlined in today’s article regarding baby boomers and retirement aren’t all disconcerting, but most of them are (90% to be exact!). Nonetheless, the author believes these are facts that boomers planning on retiring in the not-so-distant future need to be aware of. What “pretty scary” amount does the average boomer have saved for retirement? What percentage of 65-year-olds… 

A Comprehensive Guide For Turning Your Early Retirement Dream Into Reality

According to a recent report from the Employee Benefit Research Institute, almost half of retirees end up leaving the workforce earlier than they had planned – and while this is often involuntary (the result of a layoff or illness), in a third of cases individuals make an early exit by choice, having achieved financial independence. Achieving early retirement is not… 

“Cost Matters”: Are These Low Expense Ratio Funds The Best For Your Retirement Accounts?

In this case a race to the bottom is a good thing: In an effort to attract new customers and increase market share in an extremely competitive business, mutual fund companies are battling it out for who can offer the lowest-cost ETF – and the resultant rock-bottom fees are great news for retirement savers. The author of today’s article highlights… 

Million Or Myth: Do You Really Need $1 Million To Retire?

The oft-cited figure for how much you need to build up in your nest egg in order to retire comfortably is $1 million – with some experts advocating a $2 million target! However, the author of today’s article believes that, “while that theory might seem reasonable on paper, in practice, it leaves a lot to be desired” – and he… 

Lessons Learned – And Mistakes Made – By An Early Retiree

“It doesn’t take brilliant investing to retire early as I did,” states the author of today’s article, a former software engineer who retired at age 50 despite making a number of investing blunders over the years – some of which involved tens of thousands of dollars. For his reflections on how he got to early retirement – including the big… 

The Retirement Savings-Eating Risk Women Are Underestimating

“Women over 50 are likely to enjoy decades in retirement,” notes the author of today’s article. That’s the good news for this group. The bad news? “Few have any idea how much medical expenses will eat into their savings.” Studies show that women aged 50 and over are largely unsure of what their health-care and long-term care costs will be…