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Retirement Saving Boon Or Financial Doom? The Skinny On Republican-Favored Health Savings Accounts

The specifics of the Republican healthcare plan that will replace Obamacare remain unknown (including – apparently – to Republicans themselves). However, President Trump has stated that a key component of the plan will be expanding the use of Republican-favored Health Savings Accounts. As such, the author of today’s article advises that now is the time to become familiar with the… 

The Chart That Shows How Your Retirement Savings May Be Slipping Away

Are your retirement savings slipping away without you even noticing? That’s what was happening to the aunt of the author of today’s article – until he drew her what he believes is “the most important 401(k) chart” to show her what was happening. What does this chart show and what simple steps does the author state you need to take… 

Safe Spending: Strategies For Ensuring Your Nest Egg Lasts As Long As You Do

Leading up to retirement the goal is producing enough income to build a sizable nest egg. Upon retirement the goal shifts to spending what has been built up in such a way that you don’t outlive your nest egg. And while the general rule of thumb has been the 4% rule – that retirees could safely withdraw 4% of their… 

Five Funds For A Faster $1 Million Nest Egg

When it comes to accumulating that $1 million figure often cited as the recommended amount for a retirement nest egg, the author of today’s article states there are two choices: “Either we can wait nearly half a century…or we can become millionaires faster if we can get a better return.” He proceeds to outline a basket of five funds which… 

Retiring On REITs: 3 REITs To Consider For Your Retirement Portfolio

“Perhaps the best stocks you can buy for your retirement portfolio are dividend stocks with strong long-term growth potential,” acknowledges the author of today’s article, who sees real estate investment trusts as offering some of the best opportunities in this regard despite their poor performance of late due to rising interest rates. Three REITs that the author sees as top… 

This Revolutionary Company Could Be The Microsoft Of Millennials’ Retirement Portfolios

Of the stock highlighted in today’s article – which the author believes could do for the retirement portfolios of millennials what stocks like Microsoft did for the retirement portfolios of older generations – the author states “While we can’t promise it’s the next Apple, it has a good chance to be.” To find out what this company – operating in… 

Is Your Estate Prepared For Armageddon?

Does your estate need a Plan B? The author of today’s article warns that, while the assumption when drawing up a will is that you will pre-decease your heirs, “accidents and crimes can claim several lives in one swoop…Without proper preparation, those kinds of situations can snarl your estate plan, potentially reducing the value of assets you bequeath or putting… 

Are Any Of These 10 Potential Retirement Ruiners In Your Portfolio?

The ten stocks identified in today’s article may be nice stocks to trade for short-term profit, but you may not want to bet your retirement portfolio on them. Specifically, the author identifies ten stocks that he argues “are more likely to hurt your retirement than help it” as they lack what he sees as the critical feature for retirement stocks:…