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Millennials: Retirement Saving Role Models?

Might the generation that is the furthest away from retirement – millennials – actually be the most retirement savvy? Today’s article argues that “despite the long time horizon, millennials recognize the importance of saving for their retirement” and outlines the specific ways in which this generation is “getting it right”. What can be learned from millennials about tacking expenses, saving,… 

What Longer/Healthier Retirements Require

“Millions of Americans already are facing tough financial challenges when it comes to retirement. But we’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg if life spans really begin to lengthen.” Today’s article examines what will be required of people in order to ensure a secure retirement if life expectancies rise considerably. Here’s what the author has to say: “The affordability… 

Retirement Confidence: How To Get Into the 21%

What percentage of Americans are “very confident they’ll have enough money to live comfortably throughout their retirement”? According to the survey cited in today’s article – conducted by the Employee Benefit Research Institute – that number is just 21%, a number that “hasn’t changed all that much in the 26 years EBRI has been tracking retirement confidence.” As such, the… 

Four 401(k) Fixes

“When it comes to retirement plans, 401(k)s are like vehicles. Some of them are set up to get you to retirement with all the money you need while others will leave you stranded.” Recognizing that “the flaws in retirement plans are difficult for most people to see” and that these flaws “can have catastrophic effects” in terms of coming up… 

Lessons From The Internet Bubble Still Relevant Today

“Memories of the Internet bubble bursting 16 years ago this week have begun to fade. And that’s a shame, since it still has much to teach us.” Today’s article argues that, while the stock market is not as overvalued today as it was back then, “certain stocks appear to be, and they could easily incur the losses investors suffered 16… 

“Encore Career” Dos and Don’ts

“Working after retirement may be an oxymoron, but it’s a trend that continues to gain steam… While financial concerns are often the motivator, for many retirees the decision to pursue an encore career is more about passion than paycheck.” Today’s article outlines several dos and don’ts for those looking to pursue an “encore career” in retirement. Do? Focus on certain… 

Going Broke in Retirement: A Dozen Situations To Consider

“Retirement is a major milestone that brings many life changes. One thing that doesn’t change for most people: the fear of running out of money.” In fact, today’s article cites a recent survey finding that “the most frequently reported retirement worry is outliving savings and investments.” As such, the author examines 12 ways in which one could, in fact, go… 

Where To Retire? A Taxing Question!

“Retirees have special concerns when evaluating state tax policies: Are Social Security benefits taxed? Does the state impose its own estate tax? Are there property tax breaks for seniors? The answers can greatly affect the financial well-being of fixed-income retirees.” Today’s article identifies the 15 states that impose the highest taxes on retirees based on Kiplinger’s 2015 analysis. To find… 

Entrepreneurship In Retirement: Cautionary Questions

“In many ways, retirees seem perfectly positioned to succeed as entrepreneurs,” states today’s article – pointing out that, among other things, retirees have the wisdom that comes from experience, and are more aware of their strengths and weaknesses. However, it also points out that “what retired entrepreneurs don’t have is time…to recover if their entrepreneurial efforts fail.” As such, the… 

Savings Vehicles For The Self-Employed. Which Is Right For You?

“Americans running their own businesses wear many hats… [including] that of retirement benefits coordinator,” states today’s article. “If you’re an independent contractor or an entrepreneur, you have to fend for yourself when it comes to benefits, including retirement planning….” As such, the author outlines two retirement-planning vehicles for the self-employed – solo 401(k)s and SEP IRAs – and the benefits…