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P&G Making $10 Billion In Cuts

The maker of pretty much everything in your house is looking to make some major cuts. Today’s article reports on statements from P&G executives at a recent investors conference, indicating that the company “will cut another $10 billion in costs during the next five years” as part of a commitment “to delivering both sales and profit-margin growth.” What changes does… 

Value Stocks For Senior Citizens

“Some investors see trying times like this as their glass starting to empty, while others see the current turmoil as an opportunity to refill their glass so that it overflows when the good times are here again.” Today’s article highlights three stocks that may be worth considering if one is in the latter camp. More specifically, the three stocks outlined… 

Is Your Risk Radar Honed In To Global Risks?

Is your risk radar honed in to global risks? Today’s article outlines “4 global risks that should be on U.S. investors’ radar”. Among the risks identified is a spike in oil prices, which the author states would hit the economies of Europe and Asia hard, “and the problems they face now would be much worse….” Which two countries (one European… 

Retirement At 59 1/2…

Everyone knows 65 is an important age when it comes to retirement, but do you know the importance associated with age 59 ½? Today’s article outlines “the six most important ages you’ll reach on the road to your retirement, and what you need to know about each one”. To make sure you don’t miss any important pit stops along the… 

Retirement Withdrawals?

Are you withdrawing too much money from your retirement savings account? Are you worried you may run out of money in retirement? Find out the four specific actions that “investors take when they don’t want to make changes to their withdrawal strategy but may need to”. This article shares helpful tips on how to curb your retirement withdrawals and shares… 

Looking To Avoid An IRS Audit?

Would you like to make your chances of being on the receiving end of an IRS audit as small as possible? We thought so! Today’s article outlines 7 suggestions that may help to reduce your risk of being audited (or, at least, have little to fear if you do get audited). To read more on why you might be wise… 

It’s Not You, It’s Your 401k

Today’s article discusses retirement and whether or not the whole thing is a myth. Here’s what they had to say, “The inability to save isn’t because we’re wasting money on kitchen remodeling or fancy coffee, but rather because the cost of living has gone up — thanks to rising health-care costs and housing costs — while our salaries have stagnated…