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On the Radar Reports

How Negative-Yielding Bonds Can Actually Be Positive For Retirees

With their own distinct risk and reward characteristics, foreign government bonds can be a useful addition to a diversified portfolio. But do they make sense for retirees now at a time when approximately 25% of the foreign bond market trades with negative yields? Surprisingly, they might — under the right circumstances. This is due to what the author of today’s… 

The “Simple Wealth-Building Tools” At Everyone’s Disposal For Achieving Financial Independence

Does building a portfolio worth $1 million – and capable of generating at least $30,000 in annual dividend income – sound like a goal that’s completely out of reach, or like an achievable goal worth pursuing? The author of today’s article argues that the difference between those who respond negatively to this idea and those who respond positively to it… 

The Next Great Retirement Portfolio Dividend Stock

With numerous studies indicating that “steady buying of quality companies at reasonable to attractive valuations is far better than market timing”, the author of today’s article buys $750 of a dividend stock every week for their retirement portfolio. For the three stocks under consideration for this week’s purchase and an in-depth look at the pros and cons of each, CLICK… 

From 4% To 44%: How Much Of Your Income Do You Need To Save For Retirement?

How much of your income do you need to save for retirement? As little as 4% — or as much as 44%! That’s what’s revealed in a new chart posted by data visualization site, with where you fall on the 4% to 44% saving spectrum depending on when you start saving for retirement and when you plan to retire.… 

“Leverage The Power Of Investing” – And Make Your Retirement Savings Work For You

“Over the course of your lifetime — unless you’re making a lot of money or live extremely modestly on a reasonable salary — you’re going to find it hard to simply put away enough money to retire. The money you put away should, ideally, be working for you and growing at a pace (much) faster than inflation,” notes the author… 

SRI & ESG Investing: An “Existential” Question For Retirees

Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) and Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) have been gaining popularity as investment approaches, but are ESG/SRI funds good for retirees and soon-to-be-retirees? The author of today’s article believes that “The ensuing debate over SRI and ESG investing is potentially an existential one for retirees and soon-to-be retirees”, given the question as to whether these approaches… 

Is Using Covered Calls To Generate Extra Retirement Income A Good Call?

With interest rates back on the decline and the bull market in stocks in its latter stages, the author of today’s article advises that those investing for retirement “should broaden their knowledge of the tools at their disposal” for generating retirement income – including “one somewhat obscure strategy”: selling covered calls. What are covered calls, what are the risks associated… 

Fixed Income Investing: It’s Not Just For Retirees!

While fixed income investing tends to be associated with retirees (and, indeed, retired investors are one of three investor profiles that the author of today’s article believes should consider devoting a significant part of their portfolios to fixed income), it’s an investing strategy anyone can benefit from, with the author noting that “The low-risk, predictable nature of this investment can… 

How Many Market Crashes To Expect During Retirement – And Why The Government Is Helpless To Prevent Them

What are the odds that the stock market will crash at some point (or multiple points) during the course of your retirement? Researchers have actually developed a formula for making this determination – and based on that formula, the author of today’s article warns that “the odds of a huge crash are…high enough that you should expect at least one,… 

“The Most Astonishing Fact” From the Finances Of The “Super Rich Elite”

Just how much money does the top 1% – the “super rich elite” – have? Apparently, more than they know what to do with! In today’s article, the author shares what he sees as “Probably the most astonishing fact [he] encountered while poring over the finances of the wealthy elite” – who own $730 of capital for every $1 of…