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Fixed-Income Investors vs. Rising Interest Rates: One Strategy To Consider

With interest rates ticking up, prospects for higher inflation as a result of economic growth, and the uncertainty that comes with a new face helming the Federal Reserve, how can fixed-income investors go about preparing for this environment and the additional risks it poses? The author of today’s article highlights his favorite idea in that regard – a vehicle which… 

Dividend Stocks Fit For A Retiree

Retirees generally want two things from their stocks, note the authors of today’s article: security and income. They further note that “Ideal picks are established companies with wide moats and a long history of dividend hikes.” They proceed to highlight three such stocks that may be particularly solid picks for retirees – including one “rock-solid dividend stock” that may currently… 

The Next Market Reality – And 3 Beaten-Down Stocks That Could Thrive In It

In regards to the likes of Amazon, the author of today’s article suggests that “the off-the-charts outperformance by its stock – and others like it – may be coming to an end” as a new market reality – wherein the tide shifts in favor of value stocks and away from growth stocks (which have outperformed for quite some time) –… 

Some Attractive (And Some Not-So-Attractive) Monthly Dividend Payers

Stocks that pay a monthly dividend can be an attractive option – especially for retirees. As the author of today’s article notes, not only do monthly dividend payers provide income on a schedule that matches up with monthly bills, but monthly payouts can be a sign of a company’s stability and they allow for faster gains if those dividends are… 

A Retirement Calculator Worth Checking Out

Retirement calculators are a dime a dozen. Which calculators are worth your time and effort and actually provide useful – and actionable – feedback? The author of today’s article recommends checking out one particular retirement calculator, which he assesses to be one of the best of the bunch and which provides you with two assessments, gauging your “chances of a… 

“Fourth Quarter” Retirement Planning Opportunities

While the years right before – and just after – retirement can play an especially critical role in one’s financial security in retirement, the author of today’s article points out that “a number of planning steps and strategies arise in the decade or so before retirement—that is, in one’s 50s usually—that can have a big impact before the start of… 

The Case For A Little Gold In Your Golden Years

Can a little gold help secure your golden years? The author of today’s article notes that “regardless of the cause, inflation can wipe out seniors and savers buying power very quickly” – and believes that one of the best ways for individuals to protect themselves against inflation is by owning precious metals. But what’s the best way to go about… 

Funding Your Retirement: Is The ‘100% Rule’ The New ‘70% Rule’?

The popular ‘70% rule’ suggests that retirees will need to replace 70% of their pre-retirement income in order to fund their retirement. The author of today’s article, however, outlines several critical reasons why that formula is likely no longer an acceptable guideline for retirees – and why, today, “it’s not inconceivable that, for some retirees, their income replacement need could… 

A “Three-Legged Stool” Strategy To Minimize Taxes On $100,000 Of Retirement Income

How can you earn $100,000 in retirement and only pay an effective tax rate of less than 3%? The author of today’s article outlines how, noting that “When it comes to your income, the government doesn’t tax every dollar equally. In fact, some dollars don’t get taxed at all. If you know the rules and are able to structure your…