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ZenMoney News

ETFs Aren’t Booming Among Boomers. Is That Generation Making A Mistake?

Exchange-traded funds may have exploded in popularity over the last few years, but that surge in popularity has varied greatly by generation. Today’s article notes that boomers have not embraced ETFs to the extent that millennials – or even the oldest generation of investors – have, with one study finding that only 27% of boomers aged 52 to 70 with… 

Man or Bot: With The Return Of Volatility, Where Do Older Investors Turn For Advice?

After sitting at near-record lows for quite some time, market volatility is back – and investors are contending with the question of what this means for them. Older investors nearing retirement (and who don’t have the luxury of time on their side) may be feeling especially anxious. On top of that, there is the question of where to turn for… 

Floor-and-Upside: A “Safety First” Retirement Strategy

The retirement financing strategy highlighted in today’s article is sometimes referred to as “safety first” – a notion that may be taking on even greater importance for retirement savers in light of recent market gyrations. The strategy in question is the “floor-and-upside” strategy, where “the basic idea…is that a retiree devotes some of her retirement funding assets to building a… 

Dividend Champions On The Cheap

If you are in the pre-retirement accumulation phase, the recent market selloffs offer an opportunity to purchase your future retirement dividend income at a bargain. As such, the author of today’s article screened the list of dividend champions, using a number of criteria to identify quality dividend companies that may be worthy of further consideration by bargain-hunting retirement accumulators. For… 

Risk, Reward & Retirement: Which Portfolio Composition Is Best For You?

If you’re retired (or approaching retirement), what’s your investment risk level? The author of today’s article notes that “Retirees will have a combination of different types of risk levels. The question to ask is what type of investment weightings one should have in each based on their risk profile.” As such, after outlining four retirement investment risk levels (zero, minimal,… 

Researchers Believe This Is The Best Retirement Income Strategy

What’s the best way to ensure that your retirement funds will last as long as you do? A research team at Stanford sought to answer that question, and after analyzing 292 retirement income strategies, has identified what it believes is the best strategy – one which “produces more average total retirement income expected throughout retirement compared to most solutions… and… 

Funds For A Skinny Retirement Portfolio

Who says retirement portfolios have to be complicated? Whether you are in the pre-retirement accumulation phase or are already in retirement, and whether you are looking for single-fund options or want to take a building-block approach to your retirement investments, today’s article highlights a number of funds that allow you to “skinny things down by focusing on investments that provide… 

A Portfolio For Aggressive Retirement Savers

Today’s article outlines a mutual fund portfolio for aggressive retirement savers – i.e. investors who are still many years away from retirement (or who are closer to retirement but already have their in-retirement income needs covered). As the author notes, these individuals can “reasonably hold more in potentially more volatile subasset classes, such as small-cap stocks and foreign stocks and… 

Should TIPS Be Getting More Respect From Retirees?

The author of today’s article calls them “the Rodney Dangerfield of retirement investing” as they are getting no respect. The investment in question? Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) – which the author notes have been producing disappointing returns in recent years compared to regular Treasurys. However, while many retirees have been abandoning TIPS in favor of regular Treasurys, he cautions that…