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Investments For Each Decade Of Life – And A 50-50 Stock/Bond Split In Retirement?

Whether you are in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, or 60s and beyond, today’s article has some tailor-made investing guidance for you – including some specific funds for those in each decade of life to consider. In addition, the article examines whether – contrary to conventional wisdom – a 50-50 stock/bond split may be appropriate for retirees, as has been… 

There’s Still Time: How You Can Still Build A Sizable Nest Egg, Starting At Age 50

If you think you’ve put off saving for retirement way too late, all hope may not be lost. Today’s article highlights research from the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII) showing that, “even starting at age 50, it is possible to save more than $1 million for retirement”. How? AAII identifies five different scenarios where, by saving from age 50… 

A Comprehensive Retirement Planning Guide

How much do you need to save for retirement? In what order should you fund various retirement savings vehicles? What insurance policies will you need in retirement? How can you safely go about drawing down your assets once in retirement? Retirement planning is incredibly complex – which is why the author of today’s article breaks the process down into several… 

Financial Blasphemy: Why This Adviser Questions The Wisdom Of Maxing Out 401(k) Contributions

The number one rule of saving for retirement is to max out your 401(k) contributions …right? The adviser cited in today’s article has a different take on this widely-accepted piece of financial wisdom, arguing that, for many, there might be better options. For whom does he believe maxing out 401(k)s contributions is not the best option, what does he recommend… 

“Unretirement”, “Healthopias” & Other Personal Finance Predictions For Americans Over 50

A new “unretirement” life stage. A “cyclical” (rather than linear) lifeline. Much of what we pay for today (including auto insurance) being free. New “healthopia” communities for affluent boomers. These are some of the predictions so-called “futurists” are making in regards to the personal finances of Americans over age 50 over the next five and 10 years – as well… 

A 3-Pronged Portfolio To Beat The Returns Of “Lethargic” Index Investing

One of the macro-level changes in the investment landscape has been the large-scale shift by investors into indexes and ETFs (and away from stocks and mutual funds) – a shift that the author of today’s article sees as being based on misplaced beliefs, and one that he warns will cost those investors – especially younger investors – in the long…