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ZenMoney News

Residents Still Waiting On Sandy Relief

A year and a day has passed since Superstorm Sandy and the residents of New York and New Jersey are still waiting on federal funds. But where is the money? To read the article, CLICK HERE.

Revenue for Amazon Climbs

The online shopping giant, Amazon, surpassed it’s quarter projections this week. Which leaves people to believe investors will be rushing to buy Amazon stocks. Would you? To read the article, CLICK HERE.

The U.S. Dollar Might Be In Trouble

After the government shutdown, it is believed that consumers are feeling a bit of cold feet when it comes to spending money. This article addresses why the American dollar could be facing some tough times ahead. To read the article, CLICK HERE.

Netflix Talking To Cable Companies?

The on-demand online streaming media giant, Netflix, is supposedly in talks with some of the nation’s largest cable companies to negotiate a possible collaboration. To read more, CLICK HERE.

3-D Printers May Be Bad News For Factories

The 3-D Printer. Amazing and new technology that can take something as simple as a toy or tool and duplicate the item. But some are concerned what this might mean for factories all over the world but specifically, China. To read more, CLICK HERE.

$39 Billion Dollar Cut For Nutrition Programs

After a close vote, the House of Representatives voted for a 5 percent cut in a program that nearly 48 million Americans use. The Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program, also known as food stamps, will no longer be accessible for 3.8 million people next year. To read more about the bill, CLICK HERE.  


Raw materials are the carbohydrates of our economy. Every country is dependent on commodities like coal, iron, steel, and agricultural products like wheat, corn, and soybeans. These materials are not just for expansion and growth… but vital for economic survival. Consider these stats… China is using about 131 million tons of coal a year. World demand for steel is 1.24…