Budgeting may be the cornerstone of financial success but two-thirds of Americans don’t have a budget (and the one-third that do undoubtedly don’t enjoy managing it). Given this, the author of today’s article outlines an alternative to monthly budget tracking: the First Step Cash Management System, “a cash flow system [that] almost runs itself.” For how this bucket-based system works, how much of your income the author recommends allocating to each bucket, and how you can set up your bank accounts to work with this system, CLICK HERE.
Hate Tracking Your Budget (Or Don’t Even Have One)? Consider This Simple Cash Management System
Tags:AmericansBank AccountBucket Based SystemBudgetBudgetingCash Flow SystemCash ManagementCash Management SystemControl Your SpendingFinancesFinancialFinancial SuccessIncomeinvestmentinvestorsavingsSavings AccountSpending Control