Retired? Finding stocks with high dividends just got easier. Today’s article highlights three stocks with high dividends for retirees. Here’s what they had to say about Starbucks, “Starbucks currently yields about 1.6% — less than what a typical “retirement” type dividend stock might offer. But I believe Starbucks can deliver annualized returns of 10%-15% to shareholders over the next five years. That type of sustained appreciation requires strong earnings and cash flow growth – two things Starbucks is poised to deliver. At Starbucks’ recent investor day presentation, CEO Howard Schultz and his team laid out a plan to nearly double revenue to $30 billion by 2019, as Starbucks expands its global cafe base to 30,000 from 21,000 at the end of fiscal 2014.” To check out the stocks, CLICK HERE.