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Retiring On The S&P 500 Alone

Can you retire on the S&P 500 alone? This is the question that the author of today’s article examines, stating the following: “For investors just starting out and dollar-cost-averaging into their ROTH IRAs or 401ks, an S&P 500 Index Fund can be a good foundational holding. But what about as you age and prepare to retire? Can a well-diversified large… 

Opting In To (Or Not Opting Out Of) Higher Retirement Wealth

Can something as simple as how a question is asked have a dramatic impact on an individual’s retirement wealth? A just-published study finds that, indeed, it can! In fact, the authors of the study found that “How a deceptively simple question gets asked can lead to an improvement in retirement wealth of up to 50%”. What is this “deceptively simple… 

Contenders For This Week’s Retirement Portfolio Purchases

Each week, the author of today’s article invests $500 of savings into two or three dividend-paying companies for his retirement portfolio. For a detailed examination of the companies under consideration for this week’s retirement portfolio purchases – and the screening process the author employs to make his weekly stock selections – CLICK HERE.

“The Biggest Lie In Personal Finance”

The author of today’s article calls it “the biggest lie in personal finance” – and sees it as pervasive among articles on how to achieve early retirement. What is this lie, how does the financial media feed it, and what does the author argue is the only real “secret” to getting rich? CLICK HERE.

MAGA: “Making Annuities Great Again”

Just as the Trump MAGA (“Make America Great Again”) slogan is polarizing, so too are annuities. In fact, the author of today’s article observes that “the very financial tool that could save someone’s retirement journey so that they have income for life is the very tool that many hate.” Given the fear so many Americans have of running out of… 

What Type Of Retirement Saver Are You?

The author of today’s article outlines five types of retirement savers. Which type are you – and what does that mean for your retirement savings? What about those who can’t or don’t save at all for retirement? What five circumstantial variables does the author identify as generally having “the biggest impact on your retirement savings” – and how can you… 

Will Stocks Be Able To Do “The Heavy Lifting Of Funding Your Retirement”?

In the current era of low rates, the author of today’s article notes that “Stocks will have to do the heavy lifting of funding your retirement”. But will they be able to do so – or will unexpectedly low returns put you at risk of running out of money during your retirement? The author looks at what the most reliable… 

Retirement Savings: Is $3 Million The New $1 Million?

If you’re on track to accumulate the oft-recommended goal of $1 million in retirement savings, there’s some potentially discouraging news: some financial advisers argue that a nest egg of $1 million is no longer sufficient, with one adviser cited in today’s article declaring that “The new rule of thumb is $3 million.” Why is this new $3 million savings target… 

Checking Your Financial Independence Vital Signs

What’s the state of your financial health? To make this determination, it can help to check – and track – one or more of the five “vital signs for financial independence” outlined in today’s article. For these five financial vital signs, how to calculate each of them, and why each is an important indicator of your financial health, CLICK HERE.

The Paradoxes That Can “Bedevil” Financial Decision-Making

The worst fear of retirees is coming to the end of their money before they come to the end of their lives, and yet, as the author of today’s article observes, “few choose the financial product that is purpose-built to solve that problem”. This is just one of many paradoxes that can “bedevil” financial decision-making, and while there’s nothing we…