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Micro-Caps, Mega Gains?

Morgan Stanley’s chief US equity strategist believes that stocks hit their true bottom on March 23rd – and that the current rally could well lead to a true recovery. To prepare for the next bull run, he’s advising clients to buy into small-cap stocks, so today’s article highlights “three micro-cap penny stock companies with super-low entry costs (a dollar per… 

3 Potential “Game-Changer” Biotech Stocks With Triple-Digit Upside Potential

“Veteran players of the stock picking game know that biotechs are capable of delivering a win at what feels like the drop of a hat,” notes the author of today’s article, who proceeds to highlight three biotech stocks, identified by investment firm Wedbush, with the potential to be game-changers. For these three Buy-rated biotech stocks with triple-digit upside potential, CLICK… 

Take Advantage Of This Stock Market Anomaly – And Outperform The Market!

Today’s article examines a particular, well-established anomaly of the stock market – the short-term reversal effect – and how active traders can use a simple rotational strategy to take advantage of this anomaly and significantly outperform the market. For more on the short-term reversal anomaly, the strategy to benefit directly from it – and whether traders can still use this… 

2 Cheap Healthcare Stocks With Growth Drivers For A Rebound

Today’s article highlights two cheap healthcare stocks that, while having suffered so far this year, have growth drivers at hand that should set them up for rebounds going forward: “The first of these great deals, a pharmaceutical company, has a blockbuster on the market, a newer drug with growing sales, and possible drug approvals in the coming months. And the… 

Ahead Of Q1 Earnings, Goldman Sachs Is Bullish On These 4 Biotech Stocks

With all the attention the top-performing health care sector, and biopharmaceutical stocks in particular, are receiving, which biotech stocks are worth a look ahead of their first-quarter earnings reports? Analysts at Goldman Sachs have identified four that they are bullish on, and today’s article notes that “While their shares only suited for aggressive growth accounts with a high-risk profile, none… 

Top Sectors & Stocks For A Return To Selective Stock Picking

Noting that we’re “beginning to see selectivity creep back into the marketplace following a period of indiscriminate buying”, the author of today’s article proceeds to identify the best sectors right now across large-cap, mid-cap and small-cap stocks, as well as a slew of “top scoring stocks” from those select sectors that may be the best buys for stock pickers right… 

Post Sell-Off And Snap-Back, Is It Now A Stock-Pickers’ Market?

After the coronavirus-driven market selloff – and subsequent snap-back – the pivotal question right now, suggests the author of today’s article, is whether this is now a stock-pickers’ market, or whether macro matters most and all stocks are essentially equal. And if it is a stock-pickers’ market, what are some stocks worth picking? For how a panel of stock-pickers are… 

Ultra Risk Could Lead To Ultra Riches With These 3 Biotech Stocks

When it comes to the three clinical-stage biotech stocks highlighted in today’s article, the author declares that, while they are all “relatively small at the moment…they have potential blockbuster drugs in development that could send their stock prices screaming higher.” For these three biotech stocks whose ultra risk could lead to ultra riches with clinical trial success, CLICK HERE.

How To Play It Safe When Playing With Coronavirus OTC Stocks

“While the overall market flirts with a bear, OTC stocks have been on fire,” observes the author of today’s article. And while he acknowledges that OTC stocks strike fear in many people, he reveals that many of his trades recently have been OTC stocks – and he outlines how to play it safe while playing with OTC stocks. For “the… 

3 Compelling Picks From “The Ultimate Risk/Reward Plays”

“With some investors now looking to take on a bit more risk, they are turning to the ultimate risk/reward plays: biotech stocks,” notes the author of today’s article. One of the few major catalysts for biotech stocks is regulatory approval – and the author highlights “three compelling biotech stocks with upcoming Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) dates, the deadline…