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New Thinking On – And Innovative Ideas For – Retirement

Robots and a smart fridge keeping you from having to go into a nursing home. Some new (and simple) math for retirement saving. New alternatives to purchasing long-term care insurance. The retirement community of the future. There are among what may be the best new ideas in retirement as, thanks to increasing longevity and the changing nature of work, traditional… 

Spend Now Or Spend Later? The Consequential Retirement Tradeoff

It’s an important decision with potentially major consequences: how much do you take out of your portfolio each year when you retire. Take out too much and you risk running out of money down the line; take out too little and you are foregoing a better retirement lifestyle and experiences. In today’s article, the author runs some hypothetical numbers illustrating… 

Is 16.4 The Critical (And Jaw-Dropping) Retirement Number?

A critical part of retirement planning is figuring out how much you will need to have accumulated to fund your golden years – and one common approach to calculating this figure is to use a multiple of your ending salary. Fidelity, for example, recommends retirement savers have 10 times their ending salary saved by age 67. And while different entities… 

Retiring, With Ethics

When it comes to investing according to environmental, social, or corporate governance (ESG) standards, today’s article notes that “While returns can vary from year to year, ethical investors tend to perform better than investors who don’t use social or “sustainable” principles.” Thus, it is possible to generate good returns in your retirement portfolio while doing good with your retirement portfolio.… 

Investment Practices Of The “Navy SEALs” Of Retirement Savers

The author of today’s article likens them to an “elite Navy SEALs team of retirement savers”: those with $1 million or more in their 401(k). And after membership in this elite group decreased in the final months of last year as volatility in the stock market took its toll, the number of 401(k) millionaires ticked back up in the first… 

An Overlooked Retirement Plan – And Getting Aggressive With Your Taxes

“Let me put it this way: you wouldn’t not take your mortgage interest deduction because… you didn’t feel like it? Or it was hard?” points out the author of today’s article. And yet a surprisingly large number of Americans are not taking advantage of major tax breaks available to them – including what the author refers to as “The one… 

Congress Might Actually Get Something Done – And It Affects Your Retirement

Believe it or not, Democrats and Republicans in Congress might actually get something done on a bipartisan basis in the coming weeks, and as today’s article notes, that something “has the potential to be a big win for individual investors”. More specifically, there’s a real chance that Congress could pass bipartisan retirement savings legislation that would be signed into law… 

5 Small Steps To Solve A 75% Retirement Problem

In a new survey conducted by Fidelity Investments, 75% of respondents reported feeling only somewhat confident to not confident at all about their retirement finances. Ultimately, those that lacked a financial plan for retirement lacked confidence, while those that had a plan also had confidence. As such, today’s article lays out “five small, practical steps you can take to boost… 

Preparing Your Retirement For A Market That Goes Down (And Stays Down)

When it comes to periods of extended market weakness, the author of today’s article notes that “Retirees…tend to experience [them] differently, and more viscerally, than their still-working counterparts” as they are living off the finite balances of their portfolios. So while those who are still working may be able to ride out – or even take advantage of – market…