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The Dividend Stocks Most Right For Retirees

While retirees living on investment income may desire to be able to simply sit in bonds, today’s article notes that “Even in 2019 and even after the Fed’s normalization of interest rates, retirees and those who are nearing retirement simply have no choice but to have at least some investments in stocks” – specifically, stable dividend-paying stocks with the ability… 

Give Your Retirement A Stretch With This Tax-Saving Strategy

Does a couple hundred thousand dollars more in retirement savings sound like something worth having? Of course! And today’s article highlights a strategy – developed by a Baylor University finance professor – that may offer just that. For more on this strategy to “stretch your retirement” – the driver of which “is to protect as much money as possible from… 

Why The Safest Retirement Strategy May Be A Chunky One

Early retirement only works if you continue to make money in retirement…right? The author of today’s article challenges this belief, arguing that “it IS absolutely possible and in fact very easy, to make a chunk of money last through your lifetime. There is no magic or unusual risk or hope involved, it’s just plain math.” So, once you’ve accumulated a… 

Financial Planning vs. Retirement Planning – And How Understanding The Difference Can Be Critical To Your Retirement

Think financial planning and retirement planning are one and the same? Think again. “Understanding the difference between financial planning and retirement planning can be critical to developing a retirement income strategy,” explains the author of today’s article, with one financial adviser cited describing the difference between the two as “the difference between people at work versus money at work.” So… 

When It Comes To Outliving Your Money, This Is “The Single Biggest Risk You Face”

The retirement expert cited in today’s article calls them “the single biggest risk you face in outliving your money”: out-of-pocket healthcare expenses and costs for long-term care. These expenses can now total over half a million dollars, “almost four times more than the typical couple nearing retirement has saved in their combined retirement accounts”. Given this, the author outlines several… 

Retirement Funding Strategies: To Bucket Or Not To Bucket?

When it comes to retirement funding strategies, it turns out there may be a hole in the popular bucket approach, making those strategies more likely to fail. That’s the finding of a recent comprehensive study of both bucket and non-bucket strategies. Why are bucket strategies more likely to fail than non-bucket strategies – and which retirement funding strategy did the… 

A Comprehensive Look At Retirement Considerations For Couples

“Every aspect of life is affected by the decision to retire, including relationships, health and wellness, and of course finances,” notes the author of today’s article, who proceeds to provide an overview of what couples nearing retirement need to do in regards to each of those aspects of life, including budgeting, Social Security, drawing down of assets, health care (and… 

How Contributing “Too Much Too Soon” Can Hurt Your Retirement Savings

“Save as much as possible as early as possible” is a generally accepted principle of retirement saving – and widely viewed as the most important principle. There are, however, exceptions – and today’s article details how “contributing too much to your 401(k) or similar retirement plan too early in the year may be hazardous to your retirement-savings health” and cause… 

Side Hustles & Retirement Saving

More people than ever are working side gigs – and a major reason they report doing so is in order to grow their nest eggs. Today’s article acknowledges that side gigs “can offer…more opportunities to save for retirement and even help…make up for lost time” – that is, if approached correctly. What does one retirement savings expert say should be…