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A REIT Retirement Done Right

“In retirement – or anytime – crafting a worthy portfolio of stellar REITs requires selecting from the most high-quality, steadfast companies; those with unique selling propositions, best-in-class types, that “own” their category, and pay regular and growing dividends. I call these particular REITs, “SWANs,” which stands for “sleep well at night”, explains the author of today’s article, who also notes… 

Gold’s Big Moves – And What’ Next

“Something big is happening in the gold market right now,” declares the author of today’s article, who notes that gold purchases by central banks last year were at their highest level since Richard Nixon formally brought an end to the gold standard in 1971 and that purchases in the fourth quarter were the highest on record. After four straight months… 

Considerations When Geo-Arbitraging Your Retirement

This retirement strategy is on the rise – and it also has a fancy name: geo-arbitrage. With geo-arbitrage, individuals accumulate retirement income in the U.S. and then relocate to locations around the globe with a lower cost of living. Noting that “it’s a big world, and every country poses unique opportunities and complications”, today’s article outlines “five practical questions” for… 

Why “Lucky 13” Beats “The Dogs Of The Dow” For Dividend-Focused Retirees

“The Achilles’ heel of any dividend-stock strategy is that a high-dividend company’s dividend yield comes down not because its price rises but because the company cuts its dividend,” notes the author of today’s article. He proceeds to highlight a potentially better way of picking dividend stocks than focusing on yield alone – an approach utilized by the best-performing dividend stock… 

A Scientific Approach To Monthly Cashflow Optimization

When it comes to managing one’s monthly cashflow, how does a behavioral scientist go about doing it? Today’s article outlines the monthly cashflow optimization system of one behavioral scientist – one that he has refined over many years to “maximize [his] happiness per hour spent thinking about money.” For more – including why he only budgets for “boulders”, why he… 

Funds To Skinny Down Your Retirement Investments

The author of today’s article advises that “when it comes to selecting investments for each part of your portfolio, you can really skinny things down by focusing on investments that provide a lot of diversification in a single shot.” She proceeds to highlight a number of funds that both retirement accumulators and those who are already in retirement could consider… 

Strategies To Compound Your Way To A Wealthy Retirement Using Dividend Stocks

The author of today’s article describes it as “the one surefire way to retire rich”: harnessing the power of compounding. Or, to be more specific, harnessing the power of compounding using dividend stocks – and amassing a multi-million dollar nest egg in the process. What does the author outline as some of the best strategies in this regard? For more… 

Looking Beyond Dividend Stocks For Solid Retirement Investments

“Although dividend stocks are a mainstay of a retirement portfolio, they are not the only stocks you should have,” advises the author of today’s article, who proceeds to highlight three stocks offering income and growth to consider for retirement. For these three stocks, as well as the author’s advice regarding the right amount of portfolio diversification in retirement and his… 

The Million-Dollar Retirement Myth – And 4 Funds To Retire On Way Less

Think you need $1 million to retire? The author of today’s article calls that belief the “million-dollar myth” – and shows how, using a “4-pack” of closed-end funds with an average dividend of 8.5%, you can retire on less than half that amount. For the four funds in question – and what the author sees as a big reason for…