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What Will The Dems Do To Your Retirement?

With the new make-up of Congress post midterms, the author of today’s article advises that “future retirees should be paying close attention to retirement legislation these next few years.” She proceeds to outline what to expect in regards to pensions, Social Security and Medicare, the Obama-era fiduciary rule and retirement plans with a split Congress and Trump White House. For… 

The New Three-Legged Retirement Stool – And How To Build One

The old three-legged stool for retirement consisted of a pension, Social Security and personal savings. However, with pensions now largely obsolete and the future of Social Security in question, the author of today’s article outlines “the new three-legged retirement stool”, which he sees as consisting of personal pre-tax savings, personal after-tax savings, and income from personal hustle. For more on… 

Luck, Ability & Your Retirement Investment Strategy

How much of investment advisers’ annual returns is due to luck versus genuine ability? One attempt at measuring this, outlined in today’s article, concluded that 92% of advisers’ annual returns is due to luck! “This isn’t to say that ability plays no role in beating the market. But a healthy respect for the far larger role that luck plays is… 

Avoid Costly Tax Surprises In Retirement With These Strategies

Here’s some sobering news for those nearing retirement: In a new survey of recent retirees, almost half indicated that they wished they had prepared better for taxes in retirement and 1 in 4 reported “having paid thousands of dollars more in taxes in retirement than they had expected.” So what can future retirees do now in order to avoid finding… 

How To Benefit From – And Stop Resenting – RMDs

Required minimum distributions from retirement accounts are generally unavoidable for retirees – unless they want to incur a substantial penalty for not taking them. For those who don’t need the money (or the tax bill), this can lead to resenting RMDs. Today’s article, however, outlines how, rather than being a necessary evil, RMDs can actually serve as an opportunity to… 

Tricks & Traps: Prepare Now For A “Memorable” 2018 Tax Year

When it comes to your 2018 taxes, the author of today’s article has some advice: Figure it out now. Why? He explains “I have a feeling the 2018 tax year is going to be a memorable one for many of us. Revisions to the tax code rushed through Congress in the dying days of 2017 have implications for almost everyone.… 

Filtering The Universe Of Stocks Down To 5 Picks For Income-Seekers

Today’s article outlines a screening process whereby the over 7500 companies traded on U.S. exchanges are filtered down to five large-cap, dividend-paying companies currently trading at large discounts that may be especially attractive to investors over age 50 – or any income-seeking investor. Specifically, these five stocks “all have “A-” or better debt-rating, at least 10% dividend growth in the… 

Give Your “Good Enough” Target-Date Retirement Fund A Boost With This Investing Strategy

“A lifelong, low-cost investment strategy that I believe is likely to produce superior long-term returns without much attention from you” is what the author of today’s article lays out. The strategy in question is comprised of two “building blocks” – a target-date retirement fund at the core and a “booster fund” to generate higher long-term returns with little extra risk.…