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Why The “Siren Song” Of Zero Brokerage Commissions Can Be Dangerous For Retirees

What could be bad about the trend currently underway towards commission-free trading? A lot – especially for retirees. In fact, the author of today’s article describes zero brokerage commissions as “the latest Siren Song to tempt retirees into dangerous behavior.” So what exactly is the concern? It has to do with the effect that zero commissions have on trading frequency… 

3 Healthcare REITs With Rich Yields For Retirees

“The number of Americans over 65 years of age is expected to double to around 98 million by 2060,” notes the author of today’s article – making the three high-yielding real estate investment trusts he proceeds to highlight (each of which owns medical buildings or housing facilities that will be in increasing demand as the country ages) potentially ideal investments… 

Managing Your Investments In Retirement: What To Know When You’re Doing It Yourself

When it comes to managing your investments in retirement, the author of today’s article notes that “hiring a financial advisor can set you back 1 percent or more of your investable assets – if you have $250,000, you’ll spend $2,500 per year in expenses. That’s money that could have gone toward reinvesting and growing assets, taking a vacation, paying taxes,… 

Real Estate & Retirement: Strategies, Pros and Cons

If you’re looking to diversify your retirement income streams – especially in a way that factors in inflation – investing in real estate can be one avenue to consider. Today’s article outlines four ways you can invest in real estate for retirement – investing in private mortgage funds, purchasing rental property, investing in real estate investment trusts, and cashing in… 

3 Attractively Valued High-Yield Stocks For Accumulators And Retirees Alike

For both those in the accumulation phase of their investment careers and those nearing retirement or in retirement, dividend growth stocks have great appeal – even though, as the author of today’s article notes, these two groups may be looking for slightly different things from these stocks (total returns in the case of accumulators and reliable, inflation-beating income in the… 

The Ten Commandments, Retirement Edition

Are you trying to play catch up with your retirement savings? Looking to retire early? Whatever position you currently find yourself in relative to retirement, today’s article outlines ten “commandments” that may be worth following in the aim of ultimately achieving a comfortable retirement. For these ten commandments – relating to Social Security, estate plans, taxes, health care, pre-retirement lifestyle… 

Is Now Really The Worst Time To Retire Since Just Before The Dot-Com Crash?

Earlier this summer, a Barron’s cover story advanced the claim that this is “the worst time to retire since just before the dot-com bubble burst”, pointing to the nearly decade-long stock bull market (and even older bond bull market) – and the “rising market volatility, rising inflation, rising interest rates and an uncertain economic outlook” expected to result – as… 

Forget Rules Of Thumb – And Calculate Your Individualized Income Replacement Rate

While there are some general rules of thumb for retirement income-replacement rates (e.g. 75% to 80% of working income), pinning down your individualized retirement cash flow needs can be difficult. As the author of today’s article notes, “higher-income, higher-saving households may well need just 60% (or even less) of their pre-retirement income during retirement, while lower-earning, lower-saving households may need… 

How To Avoid The Game Of Chance – And Retire For Real

When it comes to 401(k)s and IRAs, the author of today’s article argues that “Gambling away your retirement funds in a government-sponsored game of chance is a game you have little hope of winning.” Instead, he asserts that if you want to retire for real (and early), the key is attaining financial freedom – which requires focusing on cash flow… 

Maximizing The Value Of – And Minimizing The Taxes On – Your Employee Stock Options

Having an employee stock option plan is a fortunate position to be in as, if well-managed, these plans can fund major financial goals, including retirement. However, the author of today’s article cautions that “Stock option plans are often misunderstood and choices are often made that leave people paying substantially more taxes on this employee benefit than is absolutely necessary. Small…