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How To Accumulate $1 Million By Retirement (And Will That Even Be Enough?)

What does it take to have accumulated $1 million by retirement age (65)? The author of today’s article outlines how this seemingly Herculean task is “actually much easier–especially if you start saving early–to let your investments do as much heavy lifting as possible.” How can you have $1 million saved by age 65 – and is $1 million even an… 

9 Dividend Stocks For The Soon-To-Be Retiree’s “Perfect Stock Portfolio”

Noting that the two most important factors for those on the verge of retirement are income and stability, the author of today’s article states that “a soon-to-be-retiring person can maintain a perfect stock portfolio with the help of strong organizations that pay substantial dividends” – and he proceeds to highlight nine companies that fit this profile. For these nine dividend… 

Surprise! What Many People Fail To Realize About Retirement

A recent study found that three in five Americans are very likely to work longer than desired – an additional two years on average – to meet their retirement goals. Having to work longer than expected is just one of the many surprises that those approaching (and those in) retirement encounter. In today’s article, a number of financial planners reveal what… 

The Annuity Piece Of Your Retirement Puzzle

“Annuities often get a bad rap,” states the author of today’s article, who acknowledges some of the drawbacks associated with these products. However, he notes that all investments have drawbacks – and that annuities can be “the hedge against the emotion of fear that you will run out of funds before you die.” He proceeds to outline the numerous ways… 

The Investment Issues Retirees Most Commonly Fail To Understand

In today’s article, the author shares some of the investment-related issues that he sees being most commonly misunderstood by those in – or approaching – retirement. Which “all-time classic” retirement funding strategy does he state “unfortunately…has never really worked, at least over any substantial period of time”? Why does he argue that dividends are not income, even if they feel… 

What Does The Chinese Bear Mean For Retirees In The U.S.?

With the stock market of the world’s second-largest economy – China – having dropped by more than 20%, what does this mean for retirees in the U.S., who often hold significant positions in non-U.S. stocks? The author of today’s article notes that such a divergence between the U.S. stock market and a leading foreign market is increasingly rare – and… 

Where Does Your Home Equity Fit Into Your Retirement Strategy?

Homeowners’ equity has climbed to its highest level ever – and yet few retirees are actually tapping their home equity in retirement. The author of today’s article notes that “maintaining home equity throughout retirement isn’t ideal in many situations, especially for older adults with significant housing wealth but dwindling portfolio values. For them, tapping home equity in some fashion…can be… 

This Retirement Saving Strategy For High-Income Earners Has Gotten The Okay. Is It For You?

If you’re a high-income earner, you might think that one popular retirement-saving vehicle – the Roth IRA – is not available to you due to IRS-imposed restrictions on who can contribute to these accounts. One strategy for high-income earners to get around these restrictions is the “backdoor Roth” – and while there has been concern about this strategy, the new… 

Achieve A Dividend-Funded Retirement In 10 Years With This Process

“The goal of every dividend investor is to generate a sufficient stream of passive dividend income, that would adequately cover their expenses,” notes the author of today’s article –who proceeds to outline a process by which someone looking to retire in 10 years could attain this goal “even if you picked average companies.” For the five guidelines to follow in… 

These 3 Small Steps Can Make A Dramatic Difference In The Ultimate Size Of Your Nest Egg

Today’s article highlights three small steps you can take that can make a dramatic difference (or giant leaps) in the ultimate size of your retirement nest egg. Among these steps is one the author states “is often the epitome of small-step-but-big-leap planning, as it can have almost no impact on your current financial situation, but may have dramatic impacts on…