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What People Around The Globe Don’t Understand About Retirement

A large chunk of people around the globe are not prepared for – and do not understand some of the key concepts related to – retirement. This is one of the conclusions that can be drawn from the Aegon Retirement Readiness Survey – and a financial literacy test given as part of it, which many participants failed. For more –… 

How Retirees Can Get Above Average Returns From Their Bond Portfolios

The author of today’s article outlines how retirees – or any bond investor – “can construct a portfolio of bonds whose total return will almost certainly be higher than the average of those individual bonds’ yields.” How does one accomplish this? By bond laddering – and while you are probably familiar with the concept of bond laddering, you may not… 

Funding Your Retirement With “Mailbox Money”

Today’s article highlights how, in the search for stable and predictable retirement income, some people are choosing to “be the bank”: “As an alternative to a 401(k) account or investing in the stock market, they become private lenders for people who are investing in real estate. And just as borrowers send monthly payments to a bank or mortgage company to… 

Reward & Risk: Setting Up Trades Using The Profit Factor

“It’s important for traders of all skill levels to understand the risk and reward dynamics of every trade they put on,” advises the author of today’s article – who proceeds to outline a simple way for traders to ensure that their reward-to-risk ratio is where it should be in order to profit in the long run: the profit factor. For… 

These 3 Consistent Dividend Raisers Can Be Social Security Supplementers

The average monthly Social Security benefit this year is just $1,404. Needless to say, most retirees will need to supplement their Social Security payments – significantly – in order to generate enough income to live comfortably in their golden years. And the three stocks highlighted in today’s article – with their consistently increasing dividend payouts – can play a part… 

Tactics When Retiring In Terrible Times (Such As The Next Few Years?)

The good news? American workers’ confidence in their ability to retire is growing. The bad news? As today’s article observes, “the same forces that are fueling retirement confidence have the potential to work against new retirees in the years ahead–especially higher stock-market valuations.” While retirees have no control over the type of market environment that will prevail over their early… 

Do Retirees Really Benefit From Larger Equity Allocations?

Retirees have been told that, especially given the increasing number of years spent in retirement, they need to maintain a sizable position in equities. It turns out, however, that maintaining a healthy equity allocation in retirement may not be as beneficial for retirees as believed: The author of today’s article analyzed a number of different retirement funding scenarios and came… 

Bucket Your Way To Spending Control

How can you get control of your spending without having to devote precious time to tracking every expense? Today’s article outlines one spending system that can be employed to accomplish this: bucket budgeting. This is the system the author’s husband uses, and she notes that it “allows him to prefund his expenses, keep his spending in check and avoid having… 

How Millennials, Blockchain And AI Are Reshaping The Retirement Planning Industry

While millennials on the whole are not saving adequately for retirement, a growing number of them are investing in cryptocurrencies – and, as today’s article notes, one of the main reasons they are doing so is for retirement purposes. At the same time, “Innovative startups are redefining the retirement landscape by using blockchain technology and artificial intelligence to create new…