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Route 300 To Financial Freedom

How much money will you need in order to keep living like you live today in retirement? Various formulas for coming up with this number have been devised, but today’s article outlines one particularly simple rule of thumb that can be used in making this determination: the Rule of 300. How does the Rule of 300 work, how much does… 

The Biggest Risk To Your Retirement May Be You – Here’s How You Can Protect Yourself

When it comes to assessing risk, the author of today’s article argues that “most people don’t really understand what their true risks are.” He proceeds to identify what he believes is the greatest risk most retirees face – one that is not getting the attention from retired (and retiring) baby boomers that it warrants. The risk in question is associated… 

3 “Off-The-Beaten-Track” Bond ETFs For Income Portfolios

Forget bland and boring bond funds – the author of today’s article highlights three bond exchange-traded funds that he sees as “off-the-beaten-track [picks] with world-class qualities.” To learn about these three bonds ETFs – including a “fallen angels” play that owns “once highly touted corporate bonds [that have] slipped down the credit ladder – and how they can be best… 

Mapping A Million: How Far A $1 Million Nest Egg Will Get You, By State

How far a $1 million nest egg will get you in retirement depends on where that retirement takes place. Today’s article highlights the findings of a new report which assessed how many years $1 million would last for retirees 65 and older for each state, with numbers ranging from 26.3 years in one state to 11.9 years in another. Where… 

How To Take Your Retirement Budget For A Trial Run

“Though some people end up spending less in retirement than they estimated, odds are you won’t be in this group,” cautions the author of today’s article. In order to avoid spending more in retirement than estimated – and thus drawing down your nest egg more quickly than planned – the author recommends beginning to live the retirement life well before… 

The Margarita, The No-Brainer And Other “Lazy” Retirement Portfolios

There are over 8,000 mutual funds and the average participant in a workplace retirement plan has 28 investment options to choose from. However, the author of today’s article advises that “you can create a smart, diversified portfolio with just a handful of mutual funds” – and she proceeds to highlight some model “lazy portfolios” to do just that. To learn… 

Fiduciary Fallout: Will Less Choice In Mutual Funds Help Or Hurt Retirement Savers?

While the primary casualty of the fiduciary rule – which began to take effect in June – is intended to be conflicts of interest on the part of financial advisers when it comes to their clients’ retirement accounts, today’s article identifies another potential casualty of the rule: the number of mutual funds offered by brokerage firms as they seek to… 

The TRUE Path To Dividend Income

FANG stocks are certainly sexy, exciting and have been incredible performers in recent years. However, if your key investment objective is dividend income, the author of today’s article argues that you should be focusing on a different (albeit far less sexy and exciting) acronym: TRUE. While the FANG acronym represents four specific stocks, TRUE represents the four stock sectors that… 

Will Tax Reform Leave Your Retirement Income “Rothified”?

In the wake of their failure on health care reform, Republicans in Washington are determined to pass tax reform – and as today’s article notes, “among the tax reform proposals currently being discussed is one that would convert part or all of workers’ tax-deferred 401(k) contributions to Roth 401(k) contributions, which are made after taxes have been removed.” What would…