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Last-Minute Money Saving Moves For 2016

While ’tis the season for spending, the author of today’s article notes that “this is also the time of year when a few simple moves could also save…some coin”, and he proceeds to outline three such moves to consider before January 1st. Move #1? Think about tax-loss harvesting (including how you can take advantage of the IRS’ “wash rule” to… 

It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year…For Examining Your Retirement Strategy

While it may not be something you are eager to do amongst holiday festivities, the financial planners cited in today’s article believe “the end of the year is the perfect time to take a look at where you are when it comes to retirement and make adjustments.” So, assuming you are willing to set aside a couple of hours before… 

Small Caps, Big Dividends: 3 Small Cap Stocks With Yields Over 5%

Today’s article notes that, with the Fed finally moving to raise interest rates, “retirees will soon be able to park their money somewhere safer than dividend-paying stocks.” However, the author does not advocate abandoning these stocks altogether, with there still being “under-the-radar dividend payers that offer considerable value for investors willing to take a little more risk.” Three such stocks… 

How Do Retirees (And Their “Newly Plumped-Up” Nest Eggs) Navigate The Trump Rally From Here?

The post-election “Trump rally” has been very good to investors. But, as today’s article notes, “retirees…have a vested interest in making sure their newly plumped-up nest eggs remain intact.” So, should retirees head for the exits in anticipation of a pullback, or would doing so likely cause them to miss out on further gains next year? The author looks at… 

Think About This Instead Of Retirement (And 19 Other Personal Finance Rules)

When it comes to whether personal finances or portfolio management is more important, the author of today’s article is firmly in the personal finances camp. As such, he lays out a list of 20 personal finance rules, or “20 simple ways you can be smarter about your money.” Among these rules, why does he state that your goal should not… 

Setting The Right Retirement Goals For 2017 – And Actually Achieving Them

New Year’s resolutions are made to be broken (today’s article notes that only 8% of people actually follow through on their resolutions). But breaking some resolutions has greater consequences than breaking others. When it comes to resolutions pertaining to retirement goals, procrastination can have serious ramifications. As such, the author of today’s article outlines “some steps to set the right… 

There’s Gold In Them IRAs: The Unique Advantages Of Self-Directed IRAs

Individual retirement accounts (IRAs) have been growing in importance on household balance sheets, and the author of today’s article notes that this is likely to continue as more and more Boomers roll over their 401(k) assets to IRAs as they retire, and as more people become aware that “some IRAs let you hold just about any kind of asset inside… 

Are These The 6 Best Stock Funds For Retirees In 2017?

While the author of today’s article does not expect that the next bear market will be as painful as the last, he notes that those approaching or already in retirement still “need to keep a sharp eye on risk.” As such, he proceeds to highlight what he believes are the best stock funds for 2017 for retirees. Specifically, these are…