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Invest In Retail Giants…Or In Their Landlords?

Rather than investing in Target, Walmart or Costco, why not invest in the landlords that lease space to these retail giants? How? Through a ‘triple net lease retail real estate investment trust’, which is the subject of today’s article: “Here, a tenant pays all real estate taxes, insurance on the building and maintenance fees to upkeep the property. Landlords love… 

New Retirement Proposals That High Income Earners Will Not Like

Earlier this month a commission charged with devising a plan to strengthen the retirement security and personal savings of Americans released its report – and today’s article outlines how “a lot of high income earners are going to hate it”. The 146-page report from the Bipartisan Policy Center “includes revamps of everything from 401(k) plans to reverse mortgages to tax… 

401(k) Plans: Separating The Good From The Bad

What differentiates a good 401(k) plan from a bad 401(k) plan? Today’s article identifies four parameters that can have a significant impact – to the potential tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars – on your retirement nest egg: low cost, wide diversification, no fads and ‘best in class’ funds. In terms of diversification, how many choices does the author… 

Advanced Retirement Package Negotiating

“Companies are willing to concede quite a bit – but people need to know what retirement benefits to ask for and how to ask,” states today’s article, which examines the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to negotiating a retirement package. From approaching negotiations as a battle rather than as “a collaborative conversation”, to focusing on money at the… 

Rethink These Myths Before They Impact Your Retirement

In light of the reality that many Americans are on track to fall short of meeting recommended retirement savings targets, as well as the finding that almost half of working-age households have no money saved in retirement accounts, the author of today’s article believes it is time for many to rethink their beliefs about saving, investing and retirement. As such,… 

Retirement Lifestyles Of The Wealthy…And You?

Think that the retirement lifestyles of the rich are completely out of reach? You may be wrong! According to today’s article, many high-net-worth people are living more modest retirements than we may envision: “High-wealth retirees may not necessarily be using their money to buy luxury yachts and gold-plated dishware, but their money does buy them something else: freedom.” What can… 

The Case Against 401(k)s

Is the conventional wisdom wrong? Is a 401(k) not really the best way to save for retirement? The author of today’s article makes that case. After outlining the three main reasons typically put forward as to why you should maximize your contributions to your 401(k), he presents three reasons to the contrary. One reason? You are not necessarily in a… 

Going Solo: Preparing For The New Real Estate Sector

After cohabitating with the financial sector, real estate is moving into its own place later this year – becoming its own sector in the S&P 500 and MSCI equity indexes – and, as today’s article highlights, this move is expected to increase the profile and appeal of real estate investment trusts among investors. Here’s what Barron’s has to say: “Separating… 

Take One Aspirin: How Impending Retirees Should Deal With Market Volatility

If there’s one word that aptly describes stock prices so far this year, that word is volatility. And, as today’s article points out, “ those saving for and those living in retirement are becoming increasingly fearful of putting their life savings at risk in markets that fall and rise as they have this year.” But is this fear warranted? The…