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30 Tips For An Early Retirement

Despite a recent study finding that retiring later might help lengthen one’s life, you may still be looking for ways to retire early. Well today’s article has 30 of them! Specifically, the article outlines 30 “tips to amp up your retirement savings, cut spending and find extra sources of income” in the aim of helping to make the “pipe dream”… 

Retirement Self-Sabotage: 4 Lies We Tell Ourselves

“We like to think it’s things beyond our control – job layoffs, market downturns, big unanticipated expenses – that undermine our planning efforts and make achieving a secure retirement such a challenge. But the truth is we often inflict the most serious damage on our own by deluding ourselves into believing we’re making reasonable decisions when we’re not.” Today’s article… 

Retirement Account Changes Roundup

Much has been written over the last several weeks about the big change in the world of retirement planning – the fiduciary standard which will require financial advisors making retirement investment recommendations to act in their clients’ best interests. However today’s article points out that, in addition to this new standard, “there have been several other tweaks to [retirement] accounts… 

Special Considerations For The Solo Retiree

Planning for a secure retirement is daunting. Planning for a secure retirement when you are single comes with its own additional concerns and anxieties. As such, in today’s article the author outlines three considerations for the solo retiree that may be “a good start to feeling better about facing retirement decisions all by yourself”. What sales pitch for financial products… 

Retire Later, Live Longer?

Aiming for an early retirement? You might want to reconsider. Today’s article outlines the findings of an Oregon State University study, which indicate that retiring after age 65 may help lengthen one’s life: “The risk of dying from any cause over the study period was 11% lower among people who delayed retirement for one year – until age 66 –… 

Save For Retirement Like A Pro (Athlete)

“Most baby boomers do not have much in common with professional athletes on the playing field, but when it comes to financial planning, they might consider thinking like one.” Today’s article outlines two key ways in which baby boomers might be wise to think like athletes when it comes to their retirement savings. What can baby boomers learn from athletes… 

Annuities: The Modern-Day Pensions?

“Retirement planning has changed a lot over the last few decades. And perhaps one of the most dramatic changes is the slow and steady death of employer-provided pensions.” Today’s article examines how “for those who don’t have the backstop of a traditional defined-benefit pension plan…annuities could be an attractive way to re-create the kind of guaranteed retirement income most Americans… 

35 Major Retirement Planning Mistakes

“Generally, the right retirement plan is all about timing, opportunity and avoiding making major retirement mistakes. However, it’s so easy to make a mistake while planning for retirement that you’re bound to experience one or two.” Today’s article identifies “35 major retirement planning mistakes to avoid – and what to do if you end up making them.” From the (hopefully)… 

Millennials And Retirement: A Positive Take

“The most studied species of today – after Donald Trump supporters – has to be the millennial…Of particular interest is their financial standing. Standard take: It’s grim.” In today’s article the author – a millennial herself – outlines why millennials need not necessarily subscribe to the commonly-held belief that they will be worse off in retirement than older generations. What…