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Retirement Withdrawals?

Are you withdrawing too much money from your retirement savings account? Are you worried you may run out of money in retirement? Find out the four specific actions that “investors take when they don’t want to make changes to their withdrawal strategy but may need to”. This article shares helpful tips on how to curb your retirement withdrawals and shares… 

Looking To Avoid An IRS Audit?

Would you like to make your chances of being on the receiving end of an IRS audit as small as possible? We thought so! Today’s article outlines 7 suggestions that may help to reduce your risk of being audited (or, at least, have little to fear if you do get audited). To read more on why you might be wise… 

It’s Not You, It’s Your 401k

Today’s article discusses retirement and whether or not the whole thing is a myth. Here’s what they had to say, “The inability to save isn’t because we’re wasting money on kitchen remodeling or fancy coffee, but rather because the cost of living has gone up — thanks to rising health-care costs and housing costs — while our salaries have stagnated… 

Think Outside Of The Box With These Alternative Investments

Sick and tired of looking at your portfolio and it letting you down week after week? Today’s article looks into alternative investments and why you may want to look into them but what the heck are they? “So-called alternative investments are generally defined as anything that falls outside traditional stock and bond investments and whose role is to potentially zig… 

You May Want To Add These Stocks To Your Portfolio

Today’s article explains why if you’re in bank stocks, you may want to hold on to them and if you’re not, you may want to look into getting them. Here’s what they had to say, “While U.S. banks’ balance sheets are in the best shape seen in decades, their stocks are trading at lows seen during the latest recession, Barron’s… 

Not All Bad News

Today’s article explains why there might be a light at the end of the tunnel for investors. Here’s what they had to say, “The S&P 500 Index is currently trading at about 15 times the earnings analysts expect constituent companies to post over the next year, according to FactSet. This reading on this popular measure of valuation, known as “forward… 

DIY Retirement

Today’s article explains how a do-it-yourself retirement doesn’t have to be as challenging as you might expect it to be. Here’s what they had to say, “With the decline of traditional pensions, many older workers and retirees face a “do it yourself” retirement: You’re on your own to figure out how to make your retirement savings last for the rest… 

Avoid These Six Mistakes

Today’s article has six retirement mistakes to avoid. Here’s one of them, “Mistake no. 1: Not taking advantage of the retirement-planning tools available Retirement accounts like IRAs or 401(k)s are vital and important sources of income for retirees, and many employers provide accounts for their employees to invest in. Working individuals of all ages should establish these accounts and regularly…