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Saving For Retirement Can Be A Fun Process

Fun and saving for retirement don’t sounds like they belong in the same sentence but today’s article has tips for how to keep positive when doing the mundane…like saving for retirement. Here’s what they had to say, “Research from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business found that linking your savings progress to enjoyable treats—a concept dubbed “temptation bundling”—can… 

How To Prepare Your Finances

Today’s article discusses how you can start preparing your finances for your retirement. Here’s what they had to say, “The basic foundation of retirement planning is building up a retirement savings portfolio that is large enough to enable you to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle for the rest of your life. Faithfully funding and intelligently investing in a 401(k) plan, individual… 

Best Of The Year

Today’s article highlights eight stocks that performed better than their peers in 2015. Can they keep it up in the next year? Here’s what they had to say, “24/7 Wall St. has put together a look the top eight Dow stocks of 2015 ahead of Christmas this year. These stocks have made stellar performances, but they have obviously gone above… 

The Stock Market & The Presidential Election

2016 is an official Presidential election year. And with that, sometimes the stock market’s performance can be affected by the election. Today’s article explains the history, here’s what they had to say, “Will 2016 be good for stocks? It’s more than likely the market will do well, if you believe the so-called “presidential stock cycle” theory will continue to hold.… 

Fees Could Be Getting In The Way Of Saving More

Check out today’s article about IRAs and retirement. Here’s what they had to say, “A new study covering investment returns from 1990 to 2012 finds that 401(k)s and other defined contribution plans underperformed traditional defined benefit pension plans by an average of 0.70% a year, even after differences in asset allocation were taken into account. The likely explanation?” To read… 

It May Not All Be Bad News

Today’s article explains why the Negative Nancy’s may be wrong when it comes to the future…of the stock market that is. Here’s what they had to say, “High-yield bond weakness has led investors to fear that a recession or bear market may be forthcoming. Widening of high-yield bond spreads (the spread between yields on high-yield bonds and comparable U.S. Treasuries)… 

Energy Stocks That Could Have A Brighter 2016

Today’s article discusses three energy stocks that you may want to check out. Here’s what they had to say, “In fact, U.S. oil production is already well off its peak from earlier in the year, and is expected to continue to slide in 2016. At some point, this should rebalance the oil market, leading to a stabilization and subsequent rebound… 

Preparing For The Unthinkable

No one likes to think about it but when preparing for retirement you should be preparing for anything and everything to happen, which includes the unexpected passing of a spouse. Today’s article discusses how to prepare financial for this. Here’s what they had to say, “Nothing is more devastating than the sudden loss of a spouse, but this shock can… 

Retiring In 2016? Check This Out

If you’re lucky enough to be retiring in 2016 let me start off by saying congratulations! You may think that you just just coast through the last few months before your retirement but today’s article gives several tips on what you can do just before the next chapter of your life. Here’s one of the tips, “Take advantage of workplace…