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The Big Scary Word: Retirement

Today’s article explains how retirement doesn’t have to be scary, you just have to think of it another way. Here’s what they had to say, “So rather than framing this work as “planning for retirement,” I encourage people like George to think of it as “designing your next phase.” This isn’t just a cute turn of phrase. Positioning it this… 

A Different Kind Of Gift

Looking for a great but useful gift for the younger people in your life? Why not money?! “Too tacky,” says some Dear So-and-so. Fine! Then how about the gift of stocks. Today’s article features four stocks that may excite. Here’s what they had to say, “Financial educators say gifts of stock can be instructive and fun as early as age… 

How A Tragedy Can Affect Stocks

Today’s article explains how the tragedy in Paris may affect stocks. Here’s what they had to say, “The terror attacks in Paris are expected to spur a flight-to-safety trade this week, in markets that are already risk averse. The coordinated attacks, which left more than 100 dead and hundreds others injured, prompted French President Francois to order new air strikes… 

Check Out These Stocks

Today’s article discusses three stocks that may have something to look forward to this week. Here’s what they had to say, “That’s because shares of all three of these companies — all smaller than $4 billion in market cap — are heavily shorted and reporting earnings this week.” To read more, CLICK HERE.

You Still Might Have A Chance

Today’s article highlights three stocks that you may eant to keep an eye on and possibly look into. Here’s what they had to say, “The S&P 500 has now recovered all of its August losses. But for those who sat on the sidelines and missed the rally, one highly regarded technician says there are three stocks near 52-week lows that… 

Why Do Women Have Less?

Are women saving as much for retirement as men? Today’s article discusses a study that found a shocking number about women and retirement. Here’s what they had to say, “Yet when it comes to their retirement savings, women take as many risks as men do, according to a new study by Vanguard Research released last week. The study looked at… 

Biotech Stocks You May Want To Know

Have any interest in biostocks? You might after reading today’s article. They asked site contributors to weigh in on some good options, here’s what they had to say, “While biotech stocks’ valuations are not quite as appealing as they were just a few weeks ago, we Fools think there are still plenty of interesting names for investors to consider right… 

Don’t Get Stuck In This Situation

Today’s article discusses a problem that is growing for Baby Boomers, coming out of retirement early because there isn’t enough money. Here’s what they had to say, “It’s supposed to be a time in your life where you finally reap the benefits of your years of hard work, but many baby boomers are finding retirement is not what they expected… 

Check Out These Stocks!

Today’s article highlights five stocks that have not only done well this year but doubled! Here’s what they had to say, “It’s been a volatile but ultimately mild year for stocks, with the S&P 500 roughly flat for 2015. But a few choice names are bucking the trend. In fact, five stocks in the broad S&P 1500 index have managed…