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Retirement Worries Shouldn’t Worry You Too Much

Today’s article discusses retirement in an interesting way. The author of today’s article believes if you have retirement worries and/or concerns, you should know that it is a privilege. Here’s what they had to say, “One which suggests that every single fear and stress associated with retirement is a privilege. The cost to be in an exclusive club… something you… 

A Retirement Q&A

Today’s article features a Q&A with chairwoman and chief executive officer of Hefren-Tillotson, Inc, Kim Fleming. “Fleming, 55, of Mars is chairwoman and chief executive officer of Hefren-Tillotson, Inc., which has six offices and 200 employees. The firm offers financial planning and investment advisory services for individuals, foundations, trusts and qualified retirement plans. But discussions with clients go can go… 

Up And Up The U.S. Stock Market Went

Today’s article discusses the performance of the U.S. stock market. Here’s what the author had to say, “stocks kicked off Friday higher, with the rally accelerating into the afternoon. Helping to juice stocks at the opening was a report from the Commerce Department that showed the pace of U.S. economic growth in the second quarter was revised higher to 4.6%,… 

Check Out These Defense Stocks

Looking for some great defense stocks but don’t know which one to pick? Today’s article highlights three defense stocks that you may want to check out. Here’s what they had to say, “defense contractors have gained steady ever since the ISIS conflict began featuring prominently in the news. These stocks have exceeded the performance of the broader market by a… 

How To Be Prepared For An Unexpected Early Retirement

You’ve read all of our posts, you’ve set up a timeline and everything is set in motion. But what if your retirement train were to derail with an unexpected job loss or you health changes suddenly? Today’s article discusses how you can prepare for the unexpected. Here’s one tip, “consider what you want in retirement. Once people get into their… 

Busting Retirement Myths

There is a lot of retirement information out there. A lot of it true and some…not so much. Today’s article is busting some popular retirement myths. Here’s one of them, “my life is simple and I have a will — that’s all I need. I’m always amazed by how unprepared people are when a loved one (especially a spouse or… 

Checking Out Cloud Computing Stocks

Today’s article discusses cloud computing stock performances by bringing you an index of the best and worst. Here’s what the author had to say about these stocks that are included in the list, “Enterprise software companies IBM, Microsoft, Oracle and SAP are also included in the index. Microsoft’s share price YTD is up 27.02% with a $10K investment made on… 

You Shouldn’t Count On Working Into Your 70s For Retirement-Savings

It’s easier to think that in 20 years you will just be able to accept your need for work to save for your retirement. But as you will learn in today’s article, working longer isn’t the greatest retirement-savings plan. Here are some stats from the article, “The Northwestern Mutual 2014 Planning and Progress Study, which queried more than 2,000 adults… 

These Stocks Are $2 Or Even Less

You may have read our stocks under $10 post at the earlier this week. But today, we’re bringing you an article that discusses stocks that have fallen below even the $5 mark to $2 or less. And unfortunately for these stocks, it’s not a good sign. Here’s what the author of the article had to say about the companies on… 

You And Your IRA And What You Should Know

Today’s article discusses how you should handle your IRA in the best way possible during your retirement. The article begins with the author explaining required minimum distributions (RMD), “these withdrawals are a requirement under IRS rules, since Uncle Sam wants to collect the taxes you’ve deferred on contributions to your IRAs or 401(k)s. You must take your distribution by April…