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Are You On Track?

Today’s article explains how to get a financially secure retirement in seven steps from a financial planner named Michael Dalton. Here’s one of them, “Take full advantage of tax-deferred accounts such as 401(k)s, 403(b)s, 457s, annuities that are not subject to current income tax and traditional IRAs, Dalton says. Maximize your contributions if your objective is to defer current income… 

Are These Cheap Enough For You

Want to play in the game of stocks but think it’s too expensive? Today’s article features nine stocks that are “cheap.” Here’s what they had to say about finding cheap stocks, “Even the “bring up the rear” Nasdaq has pushed back to its highest level – 5000 – in 15 years. For you, that means it’s getting much harder to… 

Retirement Is Around The Corner, Are You Ready?

You’ve just turned 50, it’s time to start investing more than $50 per month into your retirement account. Today’s article gives tips for people who are in their 50s who are quickly approaching the lovely age of retirement. Here’s what they had to say, ” Chad Waddoups, vice president of investments and insurance with Mountain America Credit Union, said he… 

How Much Is Enough?

Today’s article discusses your 401(k) and how much you should of your paycheck should be making its way into your 401(k) each month. Here’s what they had to say, “Most employees with a 401(k) understand, on some level, that it would be in their best interest to salt away money for retirement. However, many workers live paycheck to paycheck, relying… 

Is A Correction In Our Future?

I know several reasons why various parts of the country can’t wait for summer but could the warm weather bring bad news? Today’s article discusses ten reasons why James Kostohryz at JK Market Insights believes we could see a 10%-20% correction in U.S. stocks between now and Summer. Here’s one reason, “Business cycle: The current business cycle is 67-month-old, prompting… 

Need A Reason To Invest In Foreign Stocks?

Looking for a reason to get into foreign stocks? How about four? Although it may not seem like the most obvious investment decision, today’s article makes four good reason why you may want to consider it. Here’s one of the reasons, “The dollar has soared in the currency markets, hurting U.S. holders of foreign investments, because those investments are worth… 

These People Are Nixing Their Retirement Plans

Are you a Baby Boomer? Will you retire soon? Or are you part of so many others in your generation who are refusing to hang up their coat? Today’s article discusses how retirement stereotypes are being changed by the new crop of would-be retirees. Here’s what they had to say, ” According to the Employee Benefits Research Institute, in 1991,…