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Cutting Down Your Taxes

It’s much too late to lower your taxes for last year but there’s still plenty of time for this year. Today’s article explains how to do it, here’s one option, “Invest in municipal bonds. Top-rated 10-year muni bonds yield 1.85%, according to FMS Bonds, a muni bond dealer. A 10-year Treasury note yields 1.89%, meaning that no matter what tax… 

Why ETFs May Be The Way To Go

Today’s article explains why if you’re wanting to invest in your retirement, ETFs may be your best option. Here’s what they had to say, “ETFs in particular can be great picks for retirement accounts because they often offer lower fees than mutual funds while still providing investors with great diversification benefits. But some might be confused as to which are… 

Check Out These Shorties

Today’s article highlights 19 stocks that are great for short sell. Here’s the first step in looking for stocks that fit the critera, “Look for individual stocks with high valuations. These names have a tendency of underperforming, says Goldman. Since 1980, firms with the greatest enterprise value to sales multiples have usually lagged their sector peers over the next 12… 

Should You Buy Now?

Today’s article discusses why even though other people are starting to turn away from stocks, you may want to look into them. To read more, “The drumbeat of fears about the economy and shrinking earnings have suddenly made stocks look a lot less sexy. The ugly March jobs report — the worst since late 2013 — hasn’t helped. It’s no… 

Don’t Make These Expensive Mistakes

Making mistakes can be bad enough but what if they cost you some serious cash?? Today’s article discusses expensive mistakes you may want to avoid. Here’s one of them, “Stinting on saving. Asked by researchers for TIAA-Cref’s Ready-to-Retire survey what they could have done differently to better prepare for retirement, nearly half of the near-retirees polled said they wished they’d… 

Check Out These Stocks

Looking for some health-conscious stocks? Today’s article features four pharmaceutical stock. Here’s one of them, “Merck This stock has been hit hard since printing a high in late January, and it may be offering new investors a very good entry point. It also remains a leading health care company that is on the focus lists of many of the top… 

This Stock Market Is On Fire

Where is the best stock market in the world? You may or may not be surprised to hear that it’s actually in China. Here’s what they had to say about Chinese Stocks, ” The Shenzhen Composite has surged a whopping 47% so far — easily making it the world’s hottest market in 2015. China’s benchmark Shanghai Composite has also jumped… 

Don’t Sacrifice Your Retirement Savings For This…

You’ll be inclined to do this but today’s article explains why choosing to pay for someone else’s tuition over your retirement isn’t a great idea. Here’s what they had to say, “Too many parents are sacrificing financial security in their golden years to help pay the tuition tab for their children, according to a new T. Rowe Price survey. Rather… 

Investing For Retirement

They say when you’re young you should be a more risky investor but what’s the best route for a person preparing for retirement? Today’s article discusses the best way to invest for retirement. Here’s what they had to say, “Correlation means a portfolio mix that includes: some high-volatility investments; some investments that tend to rise and fall along with stocks…