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8 Stocks That May Be Winners

Today’s article features eight stocks that may have been losers before but just may become winners now. Here’s how they found the stocks, “these are the only stocks in the index (which includes large, mid-sized and small stocks) that are down 20% or more this year, get an average “outperform rating” from Wall Street analysts, get a “buy” or “strong… 

Check Out These Five Stocks

Today’s article highlights five “5 star” dividend stocks you may want to check out. Here’s a quote, “it’s very easy to find stocks with a yields greater than 10%, but how many of those will be able to sustain or grow their dividend over 10, 5 or even 3 years? Also, it doesn’t take much effort to find a company… 

Don’t Make These Social Security Mistakes

Did you know you could be sabotaging your own social security? Today’s article discusses how you may be decreasing your social security benefits. Here’s one way, “Sign up before full retirement age. You are eligible to collect the entire Social Security benefit you have earned at your full retirement age, which it typically age 66 or 67, depending on your… 

Year-End Push For Retirement Savings

We’re only four months away from the end of the year, which means it’s crunch time for you if you’re trying to bulk up your retirement savings before December. Today’s article explains how to do it in six ways. Here’s one, “Consider opening an after-tax savings account. If you find yourself hitting up against the savings limit on your tax-shielded… 

U.S. Stocks Doing Okay…For Now

Despite the violence occurring with the Ukraine, Gaza Strip and Iraq, U.S. stocks seem to be okay for now (knock on wood). And according to today’s article, it may continue to do so though investors may be weary. Here’s a quote, “…many fund managers say that unless the unrest increases and threatens the global growth outlook, the case for buying… 

Are You Taking Advantage Of This Retirement Account?

Have you heard of Roth 401(k)s? They usually come up when talking about retirement for Millennials, however, today’s article thinks Roth 401(k)s may be right for not only Millennials but also Gen Xers and baby boomers. Here’s one of the benefits, “With a tax-free account, you can avoid required minimum withdrawals after age 70½ (as long as you roll over… 

Is It Smart To Retire Early?

You’ve done everything you were supposed to to save for retirement and you actually saved up enough to possibly retire early. As appealing as it may sound to retire a bit earlier than expected, is it the right decision? Today’s article discusses that very topic, “…don’t jump to conclusions. Deciding whether to kick up your feet a few years ahead… 

Financial Literature For The Beginner Investor

If you want to begin investing and you don’t know where to start, you may want to take a look at this. Today’s article discusses books for rookie investors looking for reading material. Here’s what they had to say, “Investing for beginners means making beginner’s mistakes. But by educating yourself beforehand, you can hopefully keep the financial pain to a… 

Easy To Follow Retirement Timeline

Here’s a great retirement article with a timeline to help guide you in making the best decisions for your retirement. The timeline starts at 50 and explains that while you are still working you should, “begin making catch-up contributions to your retirement accounts. The annual catch-up contribution for an Individual Retirement Account is $1,000 on top of the base $5,500…