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Retirees Looking For Dividend Stocks

Retired? Finding stocks with high dividends just got easier. Today’s article highlights three stocks with high dividends for retirees. Here’s what they had to say about Starbucks, “Starbucks currently yields about 1.6% — less than what a typical “retirement” type dividend stock might offer. But I believe Starbucks can deliver annualized returns of 10%-15% to shareholders over the next five… 

Stocks That Are Impressing

Today’s article discusses why there are two stocks that are really impressing the author. Here’s what they had to say, “People’s expectations and time horizons can be their biggest enemies. Investors need to get away from instant gratification; stock market returns come over time. That is not to say I am advocating buy and hold, rather “buy and monitor.” Don’t… 

Stocks To Look At When The Market Goes *Splat*

Today’s interesting article looks to the future (who knows how distant or nearby) to discuss which stocks to invest in “when” the stock market crashes. Here’s what they had to say, “It’s been proven time and time again that investing for the long term outperforms short-term thinking. That suggests that investors may be better served by buying top-shelf companies on… 

This May Be Bad News For GoPro

GoPro’s stock fell today after Apple was approved for a patent. What was the patent and why did GoPro’s stocks suffer? Today’s article explains what Apple was approved for and what the impact on GoPro was. Here’s what they had to say, “Apple’s patent application, filed in March 2012, says the camera can be mounted on bikes or scuba masks,… 

What Used To Be, Is No Longer

Things change with time. Technology has changed over the decades and even in the past few years. Clothing has changed (thank goodness, although I think the 80s may be making a comeback) over the years. And even the standards of retirement have changed. Gone are the days of knowing exactly when you’ll retire because it doesn’t always work like that… 

Bull Or Bear? Or Is There No Way In Telling What May Come?

A roller coaster ride could be used for the way experts discuss what this year could bring for the stock market. First it’s looking like it could be bearish, now it looks like it could be bullish. Today’s article presents that case that despite the shaky start to the year, it may be a bullish year after all. Here’s what… 

Retirement Savings You Can Do Now

Retirement may be a long way off for you but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t start saving now. Today’s article discusses seven ways you can kick your retirement savings into gear. Here’s one, “Save part of windfalls. Each time you get a raise, bonus, tax refund or other windfall of cash, tuck at least a portion of it away for…