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Will We Continue This Bull Or Is A Bear In Our Near Future

Lately, all we’ve heard about is the stock market breaking records here and there. But is that all about to come to an abrupt end? Today’s article explains both the optimistic and bearish views for the future of the stock market. “Plenty of experts think stocks are about to drop. But many others offer compelling arguments for the rally to… 

Want To Retire Abroad? Here Are The Best Places

Have you always dreamed of retiring abroad but thought there was no way you’d be able to afford it? Today’s article discusses a list of places that are supposedly the best places to live abroad. Here’s how the locations were chosen to compile the list, “both the Retire Overseas Index and International Living rankings are derived by combining statistics (from… 

Retirement Conversation With Pres. From Putnam Investments

Today’s article features a retirement Q&A session with Putnam Investments president and chief executive officer, Robert Reynolds. Here’s what Reynolds had to say about the biggest mistake people make when saving for retirement, “Not contributing enough — that’s the magic key. Because when the Pension Protection Act of 2006 came out they said start saving at the 3 percent level… 

Check Out Buffett’s Most Dominant Stocks

Warren Buffett isn’t called The Oracle just for kicks, the man knows what he’s doing. Today’s article features ten of Warren Buffett’s most dominant stocks. Here’s what the author had to say, “Recent filings show that Warren Buffett and Berkshire Hathaway have started to become very concentrated in just a few holdings — approximately 58% of the $107.6 billion value… 

Check Out These Stocks

Did you fly anywhere in May, if so, you were one of the 65.8 million people that flew on U.S. carriers that month. Which may lead to why these stocks are now up, up and away. Today’s article highlights a couple of stocks that were once terrible and now are on the rise again. “Passenger airline stocks are up nicely… 

Saving Up For Retirement And Being Healthy

Are you saving up for retirement? Are you healthy? Does being healthy have anything to do with putting away for retirement? According to the study that today’s article discusses, yes, it does. Here’s how they set up the study, “first, the measures of about 200 employees were taken to establish a baseline. Then all the employees were told their health… 

Are Baby Boomers Going To Do This For Retirement?

If you’re worried about the Baby Boomers creating absolute chaos in the stock market by doing the unthinkable and get rid of their stocks so they contribute to their retirement, fear not! Today’s article explains exactly why those born between the years of 1945 and 1964 aren’t going to ‘unload’ their stocks for retirement. The author gives several reason why… 

8 Stocks That May Be Winners

Today’s article features eight stocks that may have been losers before but just may become winners now. Here’s how they found the stocks, “these are the only stocks in the index (which includes large, mid-sized and small stocks) that are down 20% or more this year, get an average “outperform rating” from Wall Street analysts, get a “buy” or “strong… 

Check Out These Five Stocks

Today’s article highlights five “5 star” dividend stocks you may want to check out. Here’s a quote, “it’s very easy to find stocks with a yields greater than 10%, but how many of those will be able to sustain or grow their dividend over 10, 5 or even 3 years? Also, it doesn’t take much effort to find a company…