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Should ETFs Accompany You Into Retirement?

Exchange-traded funds are becoming an increasingly popular vehicle for accumulating assets for retirement. But what should be done with ETFs (which carry a certain degree of risk) as one moves into retirement (where risk aversion is the name of the game)? The author of today’s article notes that “your first instinct may be to edge away from volatility, but there’s… 

Safe Spending: Strategies For Ensuring Your Nest Egg Lasts As Long As You Do

Leading up to retirement the goal is producing enough income to build a sizable nest egg. Upon retirement the goal shifts to spending what has been built up in such a way that you don’t outlive your nest egg. And while the general rule of thumb has been the 4% rule – that retirees could safely withdraw 4% of their… 

Is Your Estate Prepared For Armageddon?

Does your estate need a Plan B? The author of today’s article warns that, while the assumption when drawing up a will is that you will pre-decease your heirs, “accidents and crimes can claim several lives in one swoop…Without proper preparation, those kinds of situations can snarl your estate plan, potentially reducing the value of assets you bequeath or putting… 

The “Great Wealth Transfer”: Considerations For Boomers, Their Heirs & The Financial Industry

“Over the next several decades, baby boomers – the wealthiest and one-time largest generation in U.S. history – will pass down an estimated $30 trillion in assets to their children and grandchildren,” notes the author of today’s article which looks at the considerations this so-called “great wealth transfer” creates for boomers, their heirs and the financial industry itself. The first… 

Are Health Savings Accounts The Real “Holy Grail” Of Retirement Savings Vehicles?

With it being so often repeated that the key to a secure retirement is to start saving early and put enough into your 401(k) to get your employer’s match, today’s article argues that many investors are overlooking (or underutilizing) another important savings tool – health savings accounts: “According to some advisors, HSAs are also the Holy Grail of savings vehicles…