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Bucket Your Way To Spending Control

How can you get control of your spending without having to devote precious time to tracking every expense? Today’s article outlines one spending system that can be employed to accomplish this: bucket budgeting. This is the system the author’s husband uses, and she notes that it “allows him to prefund his expenses, keep his spending in check and avoid having… 

Money Mean: How Do Your Finances Compare To The Average American?

How do you compare to the average American when it comes to your household income (and household debt), charitable giving, 401(k) balance, personal savings rate, and other key financial metrics? Today’s article outlines “10 Financial Statistics of the Average American” – including the aforementioned five – so that you can find out. To see where you are financially average, above… 

Retirement Lifestyles Of The Wealthy…And You?

Think that the retirement lifestyles of the rich are completely out of reach? You may be wrong! According to today’s article, many high-net-worth people are living more modest retirements than we may envision: “High-wealth retirees may not necessarily be using their money to buy luxury yachts and gold-plated dishware, but their money does buy them something else: freedom.” What can…