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Dividend Portfolio

The “Simple Wealth-Building Tools” At Everyone’s Disposal For Achieving Financial Independence

Does building a portfolio worth $1 million – and capable of generating at least $30,000 in annual dividend income – sound like a goal that’s completely out of reach, or like an achievable goal worth pursuing? The author of today’s article argues that the difference between those who respond negatively to this idea and those who respond positively to it… 

A 3-Fund “Autopilot” Dividend Portfolio

How can you go about building a portfolio that would provide your loved ones with reliable income while requiring little to no maintenance? The author of today’s article lays out one option: A “three-fund portfolio [that] will hand us a diverse collection of investments built to hold up in any market, throw off a steady 8% dividend and pay dividends… 

How To Build A Dividend Portfolio To Fund Your Retirement

When it comes to funding his retirement, the author of today’s article intends to do it with the dividend income his equity portfolio generates, noting that “Dividend payments are more stable than share prices and the potential for capital gains, which makes them an ideal source of income for retirement. Historically, US dividend growth has exceeded the rate of inflation.…