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A Million-Dollar Retirement For The Low Price Of $405K

$1 million is the figure commonly cited by financial experts when it comes to how much you need for retirement. In today’s article, however, the author outlines a way in which you can retire on less than half that amount — $405,000 – with just five buys which, in combination, “hand you a 7.4%-yielding portfolio that will pay you reliably… 

How Retirees Can Ready For A Recession

How can retirees best ready themselves for a possible recession? Construct a sound financial plan if you don’t already have one, according to the author of today’s article. And if you already have an appropriate financial plan in place, his advice, “in short, is to do nothing.” Why does he recommend doing nothing in the face of a possible recession?… 

The “Big Picture” Financial Realities That Retirees Must Face

While there seems to be a constant stream of news and market developments (and presidential tweets) that those nearing retirement need to keep up with today, the author of today’s article asserts that “to be successful in retirement today requires a much more holistic view of what you are facing and what the investment realities are” – and he proceeds… 

What Is “Resulting” – And Why Is It Dangerous To Your Personal Finances?

If someone saves nothing for retirement, enjoys their hard-earned money during their working years, and then unexpectedly inherits a windfall at age 60, was not saving a good decision? Conversely, if someone saves diligently for retirement, lives frugally during their working years, and then dies suddenly from a heart attack at age 60, was saving a bad decision? This type… 

Making A Pension-Less Retirement Work

The author of today’s article – who is fortunate enough to have a pension – is concerned about the majority of Americans (including his own children) who are not so fortunate, and who will have to rely on Social Security and their investments to fund their retirements. His fear? “Even if these folks are saving regularly, they don’t really understand… 

Fundamental Principles For Designing A Dividend Growth Portfolio For Retirement

If you’re an investor that is fortunate enough to have amassed a portfolio capable of producing the income you require to live off of comfortably in retirement, today’s article outlines some fundamental principles to consider when designing a dividend growth portfolio for retirement, with the author advising that “These principles can be utilized to reconstitute a portfolio that has previously… 

A Midsummer Financial To-Do List For Retirees

“Because calendars often become more cluttered between September and year-end, midsummer is a good time to take a closer look at your financial life,” advises the author of today’s article, who proceeds to outline a number of financial tasks that retirees may want to tackle now rather than later. First up on this to-do list? Making a preliminary assessment of… 

Right-Sizing Your Retirement Risk

“The riskiest day in your entire financial life is the day you retire,” declares one investment manager cited in today’s article, which examines the critical conundrum that retirees face today: “How to invest in retirement with enough risk to maintain your purchasing power for 30-plus years while not taking so much risk that you leave your underbelly exposed.” So what… 

A High-Yield, Lower-Risk Solution To The Low Rate Retirement Income Challenge

If Social Security benefits replace approximately 40% of your pre-retirement income, where do you find the other 60% –and, of particular relevance today, where do you find the other 60% when interest rates are near historic lows? Today’s article outlines one “simple solution” to this challenge, noting that “It can be more volatile than a savings account. And it can… 

A 3-Fund “Autopilot” Dividend Portfolio

How can you go about building a portfolio that would provide your loved ones with reliable income while requiring little to no maintenance? The author of today’s article lays out one option: A “three-fund portfolio [that] will hand us a diverse collection of investments built to hold up in any market, throw off a steady 8% dividend and pay dividends…