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Low Interest Rates

Reliable And Rising Income: 20 Dividend Stocks For Retired And Near-Retirement Boomers

“In a world where interest rates are so low and uncertainty seems to be the norm, baby boomers need to look for stable dividend stocks that can compete with the current income of longer-term Treasury notes and bonds and for businesses that should grow to offer some capital appreciation over time as well,” notes the author of today’s article, who… 

A “Pass-Through” Strategy For Income Seekers

Amid the low interest rate environment of recent years, many income-seeking investors have turned to high-yield bond funds and dividend mutual funds in the search for higher income. However, with interest rates now rising, these funds are becoming riskier – leading the author of today’s article to suggest an alternate strategy to generate income: investing in pass-through securities, which “are… 

These 2 “Innovative” ETFs Can Help Boost Retirement Income

With paltry bond yields on one hand and the risks associated with high-yielding funds and stocks on the other, generating enough income in a low interest rate environment can be challenging for retirees. However, today’s article highlights two “innovative” ETFs that the author sees as offering slightly higher yields while mitigating risks. The first of these two funds seeks out…