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Rethinking Retirement Rebalancing (And Some Modified Rebalancing Strategies)

Portfolio rebalancing is something that retirees should do on a regular basis in order to boost returns…right? Not necessarily, it turns out – despite this being common practice and conventional wisdom. The author of today’s article highlights a new, exhaustive study on rebalancing which “found that rebalancing improves performance only if the markets behaving in certain specific ways.” For more… 

Snuffing Out FIRE Myths

The FIRE (Financial Independence/Retire Early) movement ignites feelings of skepticism in many. And “skepticism” might be putting it mildly. As the author of today’s article observes, “it seems that some just can’t help hating on FIRE. They claim few can save the amounts of money needed to retire on time, let alone early. They complain about the return assumptions used… 

Making A Pension-Less Retirement Work

The author of today’s article – who is fortunate enough to have a pension – is concerned about the majority of Americans (including his own children) who are not so fortunate, and who will have to rely on Social Security and their investments to fund their retirements. His fear? “Even if these folks are saving regularly, they don’t really understand… 

Time & Retirement: Investor And Market Implications

There was a time when people didn’t worry about retirement, because there was no such thing. Rather, with significantly shorter life expectancies, most people worked until they died. As the author of today’s article notes, “The average American now retires at age 62 while 100 years ago, the average American died at age 51” – and this development has some… 

Fundamental Principles For Designing A Dividend Growth Portfolio For Retirement

If you’re an investor that is fortunate enough to have amassed a portfolio capable of producing the income you require to live off of comfortably in retirement, today’s article outlines some fundamental principles to consider when designing a dividend growth portfolio for retirement, with the author advising that “These principles can be utilized to reconstitute a portfolio that has previously… 

How To Get The Most From Company Stock Upon Retirement

If you accumulate a significant amount of company stock over the course of your career, how can you maximize the value of those concentrated stock holdings when you retire? Noting that “Selling a concentrated stock position can take many years because of tax considerations or restrictions on selling”, the author of today’s article highlights one strategy to consider to generate… 

A Midsummer Financial To-Do List For Retirees

“Because calendars often become more cluttered between September and year-end, midsummer is a good time to take a closer look at your financial life,” advises the author of today’s article, who proceeds to outline a number of financial tasks that retirees may want to tackle now rather than later. First up on this to-do list? Making a preliminary assessment of… 

Why Retirees Aren’t Making The “Financially Optimal” Social Security Decision – And Leaving Trillions On The Table

$3.4 trillion. According to a new study, that’s how much retirees have lost, and are losing, by not making the optimal decision when it comes to when to claim Social Security benefits. That’s $111,000 per household! According to the study, “the average Social Security recipient would get 9% more income in retirement by making the ‘financially optimal’ decision about when… 

The Financial Downside Of A Longer Life – And One Way To Plug A Potential Retirement Savings Gap

The fastest-growing demographic in the developed world is people over the age of 100 – a positive development for those desiring a long life but a challenging one when it comes to funding a retirement that could last 20 to 30 years or longer. With the average 65 year old American estimated to only have enough savings to fund about… 

Right-Sizing Your Retirement Risk

“The riskiest day in your entire financial life is the day you retire,” declares one investment manager cited in today’s article, which examines the critical conundrum that retirees face today: “How to invest in retirement with enough risk to maintain your purchasing power for 30-plus years while not taking so much risk that you leave your underbelly exposed.” So what…