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3 Potential Stocks For The Retiree’s Portfolio

While today’s article takes the position that stocks should still be a major part of the investment strategies of retirees, it acknowledges that “certain stocks work better in retirees’ portfolios than others.” As such, the three contributors each highlight one of their favorite stocks for retirement. To read more about these stocks – which include a real estate investment trust… 

Are Health Savings Accounts The Real “Holy Grail” Of Retirement Savings Vehicles?

With it being so often repeated that the key to a secure retirement is to start saving early and put enough into your 401(k) to get your employer’s match, today’s article argues that many investors are overlooking (or underutilizing) another important savings tool – health savings accounts: “According to some advisors, HSAs are also the Holy Grail of savings vehicles… 

New Retirement Proposals That High Income Earners Will Not Like

Earlier this month a commission charged with devising a plan to strengthen the retirement security and personal savings of Americans released its report – and today’s article outlines how “a lot of high income earners are going to hate it”. The 146-page report from the Bipartisan Policy Center “includes revamps of everything from 401(k) plans to reverse mortgages to tax… 

Retirement Lifestyles Of The Wealthy…And You?

Think that the retirement lifestyles of the rich are completely out of reach? You may be wrong! According to today’s article, many high-net-worth people are living more modest retirements than we may envision: “High-wealth retirees may not necessarily be using their money to buy luxury yachts and gold-plated dishware, but their money does buy them something else: freedom.” What can… 

The Case Against 401(k)s

Is the conventional wisdom wrong? Is a 401(k) not really the best way to save for retirement? The author of today’s article makes that case. After outlining the three main reasons typically put forward as to why you should maximize your contributions to your 401(k), he presents three reasons to the contrary. One reason? You are not necessarily in a… 

Take One Aspirin: How Impending Retirees Should Deal With Market Volatility

If there’s one word that aptly describes stock prices so far this year, that word is volatility. And, as today’s article points out, “ those saving for and those living in retirement are becoming increasingly fearful of putting their life savings at risk in markets that fall and rise as they have this year.” But is this fear warranted? The… 

The Disappearing Empty-Nest Windfall

Empty-nesters have more disposable income and are thus in a position to step up their retirement savings, right? It turns out, not exactly. While some estimates assume that empty-nesters will increase savings by 12%, today’s article references a recent study which found that savings only increase by 0.3% to 0.7%: “In other words, parents are spending pretty much the same… 

Safeguarding Your Retirement Nest Egg From The Taxman

“They don’t have a clue.” This is what one certified financial planner and investment advisor declares in today’s article about people planning for taxes in retirement. In light of the fact that hefty tax bills in retirement can dramatically increase the odds of retirees – even those who saved prudently – running out of money, the author goes on to… 

30 Tips For An Early Retirement

Despite a recent study finding that retiring later might help lengthen one’s life, you may still be looking for ways to retire early. Well today’s article has 30 of them! Specifically, the article outlines 30 “tips to amp up your retirement savings, cut spending and find extra sources of income” in the aim of helping to make the “pipe dream”… 

Retirement Self-Sabotage: 4 Lies We Tell Ourselves

“We like to think it’s things beyond our control – job layoffs, market downturns, big unanticipated expenses – that undermine our planning efforts and make achieving a secure retirement such a challenge. But the truth is we often inflict the most serious damage on our own by deluding ourselves into believing we’re making reasonable decisions when we’re not.” Today’s article…