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The Pros & Cons Of Managed-Payout Funds For Retirement Income

“Is there a hybrid solution that can give you some of the lifetime income of an annuity, while offering the inflation protection and principal availability of an investment portfolio?” This is the question that the author of today’s article poses before examining one possible option in that regard: managed-payout funds. After delving into the managed-payout funds (and related investment products)… 

Why Your Retirement Portfolio Could Benefit From These “Downright Boring” Investments

When it comes to building retirement wealth, the author of today’s article points out that “one of the best strategies is also the simplest: Buy shares in great companies, and hold forever.” “Great”, however, doesn’t necessarily mean flashy and exciting. The author proceeds to highlight three stocks that may be considered rather boring, but which could nonetheless be helpful in… 

These 2 Growth Stocks May Be Retirement-Friendly

Retirement is a time for “Steady-Eddie” dividend-paying stocks and not a time for growth stocks (and the volatility that is inextricably linked to them). Such is the common wisdom. However, the authors of today’s article believe that not all growth stocks should be painted with the same retirement-incompatible brush – and they proceed to highlight two growth stocks (which also… 

Balancing Investment Risk And Reward In The Age Of Longevity

With the average life expectancy in the U.S. approaching 80 years, the long-advised strategy of shifting away from riskier (but higher-returning) assets like stocks and towards safer (but lower-returning) assets like bonds as you near retirement is not without its own risk: the risk of running out of money. The trick to navigating this risk/reward quandary, according to today’s article,… 

Finding The Retirement Spending Strategy That Is Right For You

When it comes to determining how much to spend from a retirement portfolio each year, the author of today’s article states that, while there is no perfect strategy, “there are many perfectly fine spending strategies. So the goal is to understand the pros and cons of each strategy, then pick the one that suits you and move on with your… 

Want To Soup Up Your Savings? Ask Yourself These Questions

Are your savings working as hard for you as they can? Noting that “if you don’t save diligently, you are highly unlikely to amass a decent-size nest egg,” the author of today’s article proceeds to outline 10 questions to ask yourself in regards to your savings and saving practices – and identifies steps you can take to improve your savings… 

The Biggest Risk To Your Retirement May Be You – Here’s How You Can Protect Yourself

When it comes to assessing risk, the author of today’s article argues that “most people don’t really understand what their true risks are.” He proceeds to identify what he believes is the greatest risk most retirees face – one that is not getting the attention from retired (and retiring) baby boomers that it warrants. The risk in question is associated… 

How To Take Your Retirement Budget For A Trial Run

“Though some people end up spending less in retirement than they estimated, odds are you won’t be in this group,” cautions the author of today’s article. In order to avoid spending more in retirement than estimated – and thus drawing down your nest egg more quickly than planned – the author recommends beginning to live the retirement life well before… 

This Dividend Aristocrat Pairing Strategy Can Boost Your Income Stream

With their (at least) 25 consecutive years of dividend hikes and steady-eddy nature, Dividend Aristocrats are appealing investments for retirees or any other income-focused investor. For those looking for an even greater income stream, the author of today’s article suggests an additional investment which – combined with a Dividend Aristocrat portfolio – “could be a profitable combination for income seekers.”…